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Is Sex Chat a Crime in India?

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Before we dive deep into the legal implications of sex chat, let us explain what sexting is. Sharing sexually graphic photos and videos online or through mobile devices like smartphones is known as "sexting," or "sex texting." Teens have started to investigate sex and sexual development on the internet within the past ten years. Girls and boys engage in sexting at similar rates, despite the popular belief that boys are the senders and boys are the requesters. Sexting is common among young teens and gets worse as they get older. Adults in their forties are the most likely to have it. Sexting was done in online chat rooms from the 1990s until 2004. However, with the introduction of smartphones, it has become more private and portable.

Let’s understand the topic deeper, so scroll through the article to know all about what sexting is, the laws, the consequences, how to handle the legalities, and so much more.

Consensual sexual conversations between two adults are not considered a crime under Indian law. However, it is forbidden to send sexually suggestive pictures of oneself or another person. This is extremely dangerous, and you may face charges for sending pornographic material. Because the subject of the photo consented to be photographed or because they supplied it to you in the first place, you may believe that the image you own is acceptable. However, the legislation does not discriminate between other forms of pornography and pictures that teenagers take of their friends or relationships. A judge might deem any sexual image of a minor to be pornographic. This implies that even if you so choose and are old enough to consent (agree) to other sexual behavior, you are not permitted to capture, send, or save any sexual images of yourself. You are not allowed to video or take pictures of yourself undressed or engaging in any sexual activity.

Infographic presenting key statistics related to sexting, including 6,325 cases filed under Sections 67, 67A, and 67B of the IT Act in 2018, 65 juvenile cases, 28% non-consensual cases, and 1,543 cases under the POCSO Act

Some people may experience pressure to engage in sexting from someone they know but don't view as a boyfriend or girlfriend, or from someone they are in a relationship with. People may be forced to share graphic images or films of themselves as a result of this pressure, which might later be used against them or to force them to do other things with which they are uncomfortable.

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Laws Against Sexting

To understand the concept of sexting more in detail, let us dive further into the Infomation Technology Act of 2000 and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, of 2012, where different sections talk about related issues:

Infographic detailing laws against sexting, including legal provisions under the Information Technology Act, 2000, such as Section 66E for privacy violations, Sections 67 and 67A for obscene and sexually explicit content, Section 67B for child pornography, and the POCSO Act addressing child exploitation

Section 66E of Information Technology Act of 2000: Punishment for Violation of Privacy

Images of "a private area of any person without his or her consent" are covered under this provision. The same offense carries a sentence of three years in jail, a fine of up to two lakh rupees, or both. This is a crucial part because it protects the right to privacy, which has just been deemed a basic right under Part III of the Indian Constitution. Therefore, sharing any material that infringes on someone's privacy would likewise be against Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.

Section 67 of Infomation Technology Act of 2000: Punishment for Publishing or Transmitting Obscene Material in Electronic Form

Publication and transmission of pornographic material—defined as “any material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons”—are covered under this clause.

First-time offenders face a maximum sentence of three years in jail and a fine of five lakh rupees. Repeat offenders face a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine that can go up to 10 lakh rupees.

Section 67A of Infomation Technology Act of 2000: Punishment for Publishing or Transmitting of Material Containing the Sexually Explicit Act, etc., in Electronic Form

Publication or transmission of content containing sexually explicit acts or conduct is prohibited by this law. On a first conviction, the penalty consists of a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh and five years in jail. This portion is relevant since the Bois Locker Room episode involves the distribution of altered photographs of girls.

Section 67B of Infomation Technology Act of 2000: Punishment for Publishing or Transmitting of Material depicting Children in Sexually Explicit Act, etc., in Electronic Form

The current first conviction clause stipulates a maximum five-year jail sentence and a fine of 10 lakh. This clause addresses the creation or dissemination of any digital text or photos that show children "in an obscene, indecent, or sexually explicit manner," in addition to the representation of youngsters in sexual activities or behavior. Notably, the current occurrence involves the distribution of explicit or private photos of young females. Consequently, this section can also be used as a resource. Moreover, a lot of the conversations and comments may also be included in this part.

Section 14 and 15 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012

Under Section 14(1), the use of a child or children for pornographic purposes is punishable with imprisonment for up to five years along with a fine. Further, under Section 15 storage of pornographic material involving a child with the intention of distributing it is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or with.

What Are The Consequences Of Sexting?

Apart from consequences, sexting carries a lot of hazards, even for people who are trustworthy and provide their agreement.

Risks in Sexting

No adult should transmit photographs or videos that include explicit content because they feel compelled to, and those who do should consider the repercussions before sending such content. If you post sexual photos of yourself online or even merely write explicit remarks, you run the danger of someone else using your private information against you or making it widely visible.

In other situations, sexting carries legal dangers in addition to these possible repercussions. When one or more of the parties engaged are younger than 18, the dangers of sexting increase even more. It's illegal to generate or distribute explicit photos of children, even when the individual taking or transmitting the photo is itself a minor. For young people, this can have much more of an upsetting effect and serious implications. Sexting someone under the age of 18 or while under that age yourself is illegal, and if caught, you might face legal action.

Consequences of Sexting for Children

The legal repercussions for teenagers who engage in sexting can drastically change their lives. Minors may face charges in several jurisdictions for producing, disseminating, or possessing child pornography, even if the graphic material they produced, emailed, or received featured their own images. Serious repercussions from these accusations may include jail time and registration as a sex offender.

Although some contend that it is excessive to apply child pornography laws to adolescent sexting, it is crucial to remember that these laws were put in place to shield kids from being sexually exploited. Though some have introduced new laws expressly designed to target adolescent sexting, many jurisdictions and nations are reevaluating how these laws apply to teens who sext with one another in a consensual manner.

People underestimate the long-term legal ramifications of sexting, especially kids. The individual may be obliged to register as a sex offender if being charged with a sexual offense. This classification may have an effect on housing, work, and educational prospects, among other elements of life. Furthermore, because the sex offender register is public, people's social and personal lives will be greatly impacted by the public availability of their personal information.

Furthermore, because sexting is done digitally, it is very hard to fully remove an explicit image or message from the internet after it has been delivered. This could result in persistent problems including social stigma, cyberbullying, and mental health difficulties. Furthermore, unapproved dissemination of sexual material may result in damages claims in civil court.

How To Handle Legalities Of Sexting

The legality of sexting depends on the content, context, and age of the individuals involved. So, subjective to the case, it depends on how the legalities of sexting will be handled. There are now a plethora of legal problems arising from the communication of intimate and explicit content, frequently via text messages, photos, or videos. Now that we have covered this, let's examine the legal ramifications of sexting and consider the difficulties that legal frameworks may face as well as any possible repercussions for the parties involved. Navigating the difficulties of personal contact in the digital age requires a grasp of the legal aspects of this behavior, from questions of permission and privacy to the constantly changing legal landscape around sexting.

Laws Against Child Pornography and Sexting

Since most nations' laws against child pornography were written before the advent of the internet, sexting was not initially intended to be included by them. Nevertheless, similar rules have been applied to sexting instances involving kids in several countries, with catastrophic results. Penalties might include jail time or registration as a sexual offender, depending on the jurisdiction.

Even if the photograph was created independently and transmitted with consent, sexting with children is unlawful. This is due to the fact that kids cannot legally provide their permission. Therefore, regardless of who created or distributed it, an explicit photograph of a youngster is deemed to be child pornography. Child pornography laws sometimes allow both the sender and the recipient of the obscene information to face legal repercussions.

People Also Read : Child Pornography In India

Obscenity and Sexting Laws

Sexting may be penalized in certain jurisdictions under obscenity laws in addition to laws against child pornography. Obscenity laws forbid the dissemination of content that offends others by showing sexual activity in an objectionable manner, appealing to the prurient appetite, or having no real artistic, political, or scientific value. Applications of these laws to adult sexting instances are common.

While each jurisdiction may have different definitions of "obscene," "prurient interest," and "sexual conduct," in general, sharing graphic sexual content with someone without their knowledge can be deemed offensive. This implies that disseminating the information further without the other party's agreement may result in obscenity charges, even if it was originally supplied with consent.

Laws against Harassment & Sexting

Sexting may also be covered by laws pertaining to harassment or cyberstalking. Harassment may ensue if someone sends more graphic texts or photos after being asked to stop. These regulations were created in order to shield people from offensive or undesired messages. In certain jurisdictions, sharing sexual content with the intention of intimidating, threatening, or embarrassing the receiver may also be subject to harassment legislation.

Sexting can occasionally turn into revenge porn, which is posting graphic material online without the subject's permission and usually happens after a breakup. Because revenge porn is becoming more and more common, several states have passed legislation to expressly combat it.

Laws Against Sexting Differ by Nation

It's critical to realize that, depending on the jurisdiction, sexting-related laws and penalties might differ significantly. While sexting between kids is subject to varying state regulations, child pornography is considered a severe felony under federal law in the United States. While some states have passed "sexting-specific" legislation that has less harsh penalties than child pornography statutes, others regard sexting between kids as a misdemeanor.

On the other hand, some nations' legal perspectives on sexting, such as those in Australia and Canada, distinguish between consenting and non-consensual interactions. The legal system of the United Kingdom is rather intricate. While it's permissible for adults to sext, it's illegal to send or have "indecent images" of anybody under the age of 18, even if it's only a selfie. Conversely, permission is the main concern in nations like Sweden and Denmark, where it is OK for two minors to trade sexual photos as long as both of them provide their approval.

The best defense against sexting's legal ramifications is to just stop doing it. For minors in particular, this is quite important. Teenagers should be made aware of the possible repercussions of parents and educators talking to them about the legal, social, and emotional ramifications of sexting. Speaking about digital citizenship and respecting the privacy of others is equally crucial.

Adults should always make sure both parties have given their approval before exchanging explicit material. Sharing pornographic photos or films without the subject's permission may lead to legal action. When any explicit material is received, it should never be shared or transferred without the individual's express consent. Retaliation porn laws might result in prosecution, among other things, if this is done.

Encouraging a culture of knowledgeable and responsible behavior is essential for managing the complicated legal environment around sexting. This calls for ongoing communication about the possible legal ramifications as well as how to establish a foundation of respect, trust, and digital mindfulness in both personal and professional contexts.


Tabassum Sultana S.

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Adv. Tabassum Sultana is a member of Karnataka State Legal Services, is highly skilled in handling diverse legal matters. Her expertise spans divorce cases, domestic violence, child custody, dowry harassment, and cheque bounce cases. She also specializes in maintenance, bail, adoption, consumer disputes, employment conflicts, money recovery, and cybercrime. Known for her comprehensive legal services, Adv. Sultana is dedicated to protecting her client's rights and delivering results in both litigation and legal documentation.