
7 Traits That Are Common in a Good Lawyer

The breakneck, all-or-nothing drama of Law and Order, suits may make being a lawyer appealing, but it is a difficult profession. To rise above the competition, it takes a unique personality, that thrives under pressure. 

Frequently, it boils down to simple traits that are handled with creativity and distinctiveness.

These are the traits to work on if you want to be the best of the best, or progress to elite status:

1. Staying ardent and eager to learn 

The legal profession is not a place for those who fake it until they make it. From learning to practicing the law, the best lawyers are fond of it throughout. There are no exceptions to this rule, as a dedicated lawyer will continue to study long after graduating from law school since his or her appetite for knowledge will never be satisfied.

It is a lawyer's burning passion for the case that keeps him or her working on it, long after business hours. 

How do you know a lawyer will do everything in their power for you if they don't have the passion?

2. Demonstrating sound judgment and analytical abilities

A lawyer's ability to make the right decision at the appropriate moment is critical. Prominent lawyers are required to draw logical inferences from relevant facts daily and use that evidence to make effective arguments. While this may appear to be solely based on trial or hearing experience, it is undeniably present in all aspects of contract negotiations, research and due diligence.

3. Exercising Compassion

The legal profession has a reputation for being cutthroat, yet this portrays the core of lawyering incorrectly Compassion is the driving force for representing a client who we believe requires legal assistance. Acknowledging one's difficult circumstances is a huge help in terms of personal drive and providing excellent customer service. To genuinely trust their lawyers, clients must feel heard and cared for.

4. Being au-fait (familiar) with technology 

For generations, the legal profession has been steeped in tradition. Innovation used to be reserved for the application of precedent and case law, but with the introduction of technology, that is changing. Legal document software, automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and new digitally augmented technologies are all making their way into the legal profession. While inefficiency hasn't always been a source of worry for law firms, the changing expectations of the clients have made outdated procedures less acceptable.

Growing law firms, newly graduating lawyers and anybody else searching for a competitive edge should make use of the digital options available today. 

5. Maintaining a sense of order

In everything a lawyer does, organisation is crucial. Caseload management, court appearances, disclosures, client files, meetings, knowing everything there is to know about the Constitution, the list goes on. The lawyers’, clients’, and firms' prospects are all affected by reputational and embarrassment risks. 

Furthermore, when a lawyer fails in an organisation, judges, clients and opposing lawyers may form long-term impressions.

6. Communication skills

Without excellent communication skills, having the most wonderfully educated intellect with compassionate tendencies is mostly meaningless. This skill is essential to a lawyer Communication is a hallmark of the most effective lawyer as it underpins the creation of cases and the delivery of persuasive arguments. On the other hand, communication is more than just the ability to speak. It also includes the ability to hear and listen. Lawyers must be exceptional listeners, from detecting client complaints to highlighting flaws in opposing arguments or depositions.

7. Ability to predict a situations

Although the year 2020 shattered the trust of the forerunners among us, it remains crucial on multiple levels. 

To begin with, change is constant in the legal realm. New evidence is discovered and countermeasures are taken. Foresight and staying on your toes are important qualities to have while developing bullet-proof arguments and avoiding being caught off guard.

Second, and most important on an organisational level, the ability to anticipate sectoral change is critical. As the need for digital offices grew out of nowhere, law firms have recently experienced the most disruptive development in recent memory. Keeping an eye on the future aids lawyers in locating legal document software or artificial intelligence (AI) that increases profitability and competitive advantage. Those who refuse to think ahead are frequently victims of obsolescence.

Final Words

Lawyers play a fascinating role in today's society. While many sectors demand specific expertise in several topics, lawyers must be specialists in a variety of fields.

Your line of work necessitates that you know the law inside out while also being creative enough to apply it in novel ways. You should be tough enough to put up with late nights of research and often harsh counters while possessing soft empathic people skills. The skills required in the legal sector are demanding, but recognising what leads to success is half the battle!