Knowledge Bank

As the name suggests, Knowledge Bank is a compilation of all legal material that can help laymen, law students and lawyers get fact-checked & accurate legal information. Stay updated with legal events with segments like Amendment Simplified, News, Know The Law, i.e., legal term simplified, and tips.


The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought

This book deals with an important issue that merits careful study by any and all political philosophers, legal theorists and other sociologists. The topic is the namesake of the book and how law, power and ideological beliefs are shaped by profit-making organisations. The emergence of several multinational companies is considered to be one of the most critical corporate ...

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The Modern Corporation and Private Property by Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Mean

  The Modern Corporation and Private Property by Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means is a comprehensive guide for those interested in taking a look at the way corporate structures around the world function. As pioneers, humans have developed businesses in order to establish civilization. For this reason, to be civil or not to be, is a question greatly rela...

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Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty

This Book describes the Violence and Cruelty which takes place in the society. The author instead of looking at the gravity or nature of the offense,focuses on the fact that one should focus on the mindset of the offender. The most important factor which the state authority or any other competent authority who deals with a particular case of crime, is negligent about the mindse...

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Book Review: The Smartest Guys In The Room

The Smartest Guys In The Room, by Bethany Mclean and Peter Elkind, is a look into the Enron scandal which occurred in October 2001, giving the world a glimpse into the toxicity existent in the corporate world. The book itself is an effort encapsulating several hundreds of interviews, performance reviews, e-mails, etc., to give a realistic and holistic look into the scandal ...

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Book Review: Restless Days, Sleepless Nights - by Ranjana Bharij

Restless Days, Sleepless Nights is an autobiography revolving around the experience of a woman working in the male-dominating society of India in the year 1970. It revolves around the struggle of womens’ life  right from a hard-working student wanting to pursue her dreams to her various job postings all over India, and her career growth and the accompanying challeng...

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International Dispute Settlement By J.G Merrils by Book Review

About the Author: Sir James G Merrill, the author of the book, International Dispute Settlement, is also a well-known legal scholar and professor from the University of Cambridge. Interestingly, he taught Law as an essential subject all over the world. Until recently, he was an Emeritus Professor of International Law at the University of Sheffield. He was also a visitin...

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Law of marriage and divorce by paras diwan

The Law of marriage and divorce is a comprehensive treatise that is based on marital laws. It is based on the laws of all Indian communities, which include Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Parsis, and Jews.  The book is written by focusing on all the practitioners who are working on the law ground and all the judges, those who are providing any kinds of reliefs to any perso...

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BRIEF SUBJECT Mumbai, April 2012. Over 21 days, five murder cases were discovered, which led to unraveling a spine-chilling tale of cold-blooded crime. Half-naked bodies; missing suspects; a desperate manhunt; connections with the underworld, police, and Bollywood; and a mafia who lured victims - all led to a man named Vijay Palande. Arun Kumar Tikku, father of the Bollyw...

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The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall by Information Empires

This masterpiece of a book authored by Tim Wu revolves around the idea that in this age of an open Internet, it is anything but challenging to fail to remember that each American information industry, starting with the telephone, has in the end been taken captive by either some heartless monopoly or cartel. Tim Wu, through this book, brings about the historical saga of two i...

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Chetan Bhagat has probably been the most demanded author in India. The writer has been an iconic figure who has been ruling the minds of the youngsters of India. One of the best creations can easily be called What Young India Wants. This book is a long fragment that deals with many compiled essays and speeches. The measure focuses on Indian society, politics, and youth. If we s...

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