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Feature Image for the blog - A CIVIL ACTION, BY JONATHAN HARR

The Civil action was written by Jonathan Harr. He lived and worked in Northampton, Massachusetts. He has learned non-fiction writing at Smith College. He is also a former writer at New England monthly.


The author was also a prominent member of The New York Times Magazine. Harr spent his nine years in the research and writing wings. The book civil action was published in the year 1995.


This book, Civil action was also nominated for National Book Award and was awarded the national book critics circle awards. This book comprises of many questions, discussion topics. It also includes the author's biography. The book comes with all the fascinating chronicles and is set up with an epic courtroom battle.


The author here deals with the massive courtroom cases which are between several families which are situated in Woburn, Massachusetts. The fight is in between two corporations which are Beatrice foods and W.R Grace. In this book, the story begins with a young boy whose name is Jimmy Anderson, who gets sick. But his mother, Anne Anderson, believes that it's just a common cold. But after that, his health conditions deteriorate, and then he got examined and diagnosed with leukaemia. In the first half of the story, you can find all the relative past information and past stories of Anderson's family and several other families whose children are also under Leukaemia. All these cases are reported to be around the neighbourhood. This story continues, which leads to having legal advice.


So, all those families seek legal advice from a lawyer whose name was Jan Schlichtmann. He puts the allegation against the other parties that they are poisoning the groundwater by dumping their chemicals, which is trichloroethylene. This chemical serves as an agent as a human carcinogen. They complained that the chemicals are getting into the water and, as a result, is getting mixed with the neighbourhood water supply. This results in the people around the Woburn neighbourhood are suffering from the disease. Coming to the lawyer, he is a very obsessive and an odd figure. He always believes in good destiny for himself, which indirectly leads him to take the case.


In the next scene of the book, you can find the courtroom drama. The drama is quite compelling. In the courtroom cases, you can find endless emotions that are being questioned and stated by both of the opponent teams. Their teams come up with an innumerable meeting with the judges. The team also has given the constant bickering to the lawyers. But the Schlichtmann's case decreases down as they come across some financial crisis and could not afford to pay for the cases. Which, as a result, made the jury exonerates Beatrice Foods.

In meanwhile, grace settles with the Schlichtmann even before the second phase of the trial begins.


Sometimes you can find the Civil action to be detailed, and sometimes it is found to be difficult.


In this case, you can find that all the detailed evidence is presented in a very manner and reflect most of the procedures that can take place in the prosecution trials. The case ends with all kinds of facts, which are being kept hidden by the lawyer and the judges. The facts get close in between the ten thousand pages in documents. This eventually limits all their ability.

A civil action mostly demonstrates all the absurd and gloomy atmosphere, where many people get personal harm. This happens because the lawyer was not loyal to the party. He took the money as a bribe and looks for his own benefits. In this story, you get to know the best of both good and evil personalities. The storyline has given them a very good flow.


The simplified story gives them a very smooth flow. This book is also created as a story line, and the great character is very much wisely depicted.


The author has minimized the participation of the environmental protection agency. This book is a very good activity of the civil laws, and it's a must needed attention book. This book will give the students a practical look at the laws and how the situation can get changed in every situation. The book is worth reading.


 In this book, you can find all the clear interpretations of Justice, obsessiveness, and bureaucracy, which are all complied and depicted in the book Civil Action. This book will help you in understanding all kinds of theory and thoughts that a normal Americans legal system could ask. In this manner, they develop faith in the attorneys, as they think that they can be questioned hard by the jury. They try to escape the trial round by keeping their full faith in the jury and attorneys. This amazing book got the awards in 1995 as the National Book Critics Circle Awards and got adopted as a film in 1998.