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Bare Acts

Arms Rules Schedule I

Feature Image for the blog - Arms Rules Schedule I


(See rule 3)








(a) Prohibited arms as defined in Section 2 (1) (i) and such other arms as the Central Government, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify to be prohibited arms.

Prohibited ammunition as defined in Section 2 (1) (h) and such other articles as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify to be prohibited ammunition.


(b) Semi-automatic fire-arms, other than those included in categories 1 (c) and III (a), smooth bore guns having barrel of less than 29" in length.

Ammunition for arms of category I (b).


(c) Blot action or semi-automatic rifles of .303" or 7.62 mm. bore or any other bore which can chamber and fire service ammunition of .303" or 7.62 mm. calibre; muskets of .410" bore of any other bore which can fire .410" musket ammunition ; pistols, revolvers or carbines of any bore which can chamber .380" or .455" rimmed cartridges or service 9 mm. or .445" rimless cartridges. 

Ammunition for fire-arms of category I (c).


(d) Accessories for any fire-arms designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by the firing thereof.



Machinery for manufacture or proof-testing of a fire-arm.

Machinery for manufacturing ammunition.


Fire-arms other than those in categories I, II and IV, namely :

Ammunition for fire-arms other than those in categories I, II and IV, namely :


(a) Revolvers and pistols.

Ammunition for fire-arms of category III (a).


(b) Breech- loading rifles other than .22 bore rifles mentioned in category III (c) below.

Ammunition for fire-arms of category III (b).


(c) 22 bore (low velocity) rifles using rimfire cartridges, breech-loading smooth-bore guns and air-rifles.

Ammunition for fire-arms of category III (c).


(d) Air-guns and muzzel-loading guns.

Ammunition for fire-arms of category III(d).


Curios and historical weapons, other than those excluded under Section 45 (c).

Curios and historical ammunition.


Arms other than fire-arms : Sharp-edged and deadly weapons, namely-swords(including sword-stick), daggers, bayonets, spears (including lances and javelins; battle-axes, knives (including kirrpans and khukries) and other such weapons with blades longer than 9" or wider than 2" other than those designed for domestic, agricultural, scientific or industrial purpose, steel batton; "Zipo" and other such weapons called "life preserves"; machinery for making arms, other than category II; and any other arms which the Central Government may notify under Section 4.




VI (a) Articles containing explosives or fulminating material; fuses and friction

tubes other than blank fire cartridges.



VI (b) Ingredients as defined in Section 2 (b) (VII).


Parts and accessories of any arms or ammunition and charges for fire-arms and accessories for charges belong to the same category as the arms or ammunition.