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Difference Between Tort & Crime in India

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The legal system, in India is composed of a range of principles and concepts, each serving different purposes within the realm of justice. Two fundamental aspects of this framework are tort and crime. Although both involve actions that cause harm, they differ significantly in terms of their nature, consequences, and remedies. It is essential to understand the nuanced differences between tort and crime to have an understanding of the legal system. This article explores the core distinctions between tort and crime in India, providing insights, into their definitions, components, and the legal implications they carry.

Differences Between Tort and Crime

Criminal law and civil law both have their own different definitions of tort and offense. They involve many aspects of legal action, redress, and repercussions. The following are the main distinctions between crime and tort:





The law of torts is concerned with civil wrongs' redress and is more private in nature. A person is responsible for any damaging actions taken, whether they were done intentionally or not. The wounded or resentful party is compensated by the payment of damages. The amount of compensation in the form of damages is decided by the court. There are three divisions in tort law: negligence tort, intentional tort, contract, and trust violations.

Crime constitutes the heinous offenses that take place in society and is more public in nature. The entire Indian Penal Code, 1860 deals with the criminal aspect of the society explaining the types, components, and punishments accordingly.


A tort is a civil wrong or harm that a person commits against another person. An obligation owed by one individual to another is broken, causing harm or property damage. Tort law's main goal is to make the victim whole for the harm they endured.

Violation of a society's criminal laws, which are put into effect by the government, a crime. Criminal law's major goals are to uphold social order, discourage illegal behavior, and punish offenders. Crimes are regarded as offenses against the state or society as a whole.


The goal of tort law is to make victims whole again by paying them for the harm they have endured.

Criminal law is a measure to maintain social order, by minimizing crimes and punishing those who break the law.

Parties Involved

In a tort lawsuit, the plaintiff and the defendant are typically the parties involved, and the state or the government doesn’t have an active role to play.

The state or government (prosecution) and the accused or defendant are the parties in a criminal case.

Burden of Proof

The burden of proof in civil torts lies upon the plaintiff, who has to establish the defendant’s liability. 

The burden of proof in the crime lies upon the prosecution to establish the defendant’s crime, except in a few cases wherein the defendant has to prove their innocence. 

Legal Actions

Civil litigation is used to settle tort issues. The culprit (defendant) is sued in court by the victim (plaintiff), who asks for monetary damages (compensation) for the harm they caused.

Government-initiated formal legal actions are involved in criminal cases. If the defendant is found guilty, they might be punished with fines, probation, jail time, or even the death penalty, depending on the prosecution's evidence in court.

Similarities Between Tort and Crime

Even though Tort law and criminal law are two distinct areas, they share certain similarities. Here are some key similarities between tort and crime:

Wrongful Acts: Both torts and crimes include the commission of wrongdoing by people or organizations. In criminal law, a wrongful act is an offense against society that is subject to state punishment. In tort law, a wrongful act is a civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person.

Standard of Proof:  The plaintiff (the party filing the complaint) must establish their case in tort proceedings by a substantial majority of the evidence, which means that it is more probable than not that the defendant's acts resulted in injury. A higher standard than in tort proceedings must be met in criminal prosecutions in order to establish the defendant's guilt.

Intent: While not all torts call for deliberate wrongdoing or ignorance, some do. Similar to civil offenses, criminal offenses can be either deliberate (like murder) or negligent (like involuntary manslaughter). In determining responsibility, both fields of law consider the wrongdoer's mental condition.

Compensation: In tort lawsuits, reimbursing the sufferer for their losses is the main objective. This compensation may consist of monetary losses for things like pain and suffering, property damage, and medical costs. Punitive damages may also be granted in some circumstances to punish the offender for very egregious behavior. Compensation for the victim is less of a priority in criminal law since the state's primary goals are to uphold social order and punish the perpetrator.

Statute of limits: Statutes of limitations, which specify a time frame within which a lawsuit or criminal charges must be brought, apply to both criminal and tort proceedings. The aggrieved person or the state may no longer have the right to file a claim or file charges once this time limit has elapsed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tort Law

Here are several advantages and disadvantages associated with tort law:

Advantages of Tort Law

1. Compensation for Victims: Under tort law, those harmed or injured may pursue financial compensation from the offending party. This makes sure that victims are not left with the burden of their losses, both financially and emotionally.

2. Dissuasion: The use of tort law dissuades careless or harmful conduct. Potential liability motivates people and organizations to act more carefully and cautiously to avoid legal repercussions.

3. Incentive for Safety: Tort liability provides an incentive for companies, producers, and people to place a high priority on safety in their operations, goods, and behavior. This could result in better safety norms and procedures.

4. Preventive Justice: Tort law aids in preventing future injury by holding irresponsible parties accountable. It tells people that acting irresponsibly will have legal repercussions.

Disadvantages of Tort Law

  1. Cost of Litigation: In third-person ne­utral narration, the costs associated with litigation for a tort action can become burdensome due to various expenses such as legal fe­es, court charges, and expe­rt witness costs. 

  1. Delaye­d Justice: Witnesses ofte­n disappear or damage evide­nce due to the stre­ss and uncertainty caused by lengthy de­lays.

  1. Basele­ss Lawsuits: Sometimes, the availability of tort claims can lead to frivolous or unfounded lawsuits. These cases burden the court system and de­plete valuable resources.

  1. Emotional Cost: The le­gal procedure can take an e­motional toll on plaintiffs, especially when confronting se­nsitive personal matters that attract ne­gative media attention for both parties involved.

In the re­alm of tort law, a delicate equilibrium is pursue­d—a harmonious blend betwee­n holding wrongdoers accountable for their actions and ensuring that victims are duly compensated. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Criminal Law

As with any system, criminal law has pros and cons. It's worth me­ntioning that the perception of these attributes can differ based on opinions and societal contexts.

Advantages Of Criminal Law

  1. Social Order: Maintaining social order is one of the key functions of criminal law. It helps establish clear boundaries betwe­en acceptable and unacce­ptable behavior, discouraging individuals from engaging in unlawful activities.

  1. Ensuring Public Safety: Criminal law plays a crucial role­ in safeguarding the safety and we­lfare of individuals and communities by identifying and pe­nalizing harmful acts.

  1. Justice: The third ke­y feature that distinguishes human writing from AI-ge­nerated text is justice­. Criminal law serves as a means to hold offe­nders accountable for their actions, while­ also providing victims with the opportunity to seek compe­nsation or retribution.

  1. Fairness: One important aspect of criminal laws is transparency. By making the laws accessible to the public, there is a promotion of e­qual application and fairness for all individuals.

Disadvantages of Criminal Law

  1. Criminalization: One concern is that some countries' criminal laws have become too broad, which can overload the le­gal system and redirect resources from more important issues. Minor offe­nses are sometimes treated as major ones, e­xacerbating this problem.

  1. Rehabilitation: Another issue with the criminal justice system is its limited focus on rehabilitation. When the emphasis is solely on punishment, it preve­nts efforts to address the root causes of criminal behavior and provide offende­rs with the necessary skills to successfully reintegrate into society.

  1. Complication: Complicated le­gal proceedings can cause de­lays in delivering justice. The length and complexity of trials may intimidate individuals without acce­ss to proper represe­ntation, leading to unfavorable outcomes.

  1. Possibility of Abuse: At times people in authority tend to abuse their power creating situations of social injustice and inequality.

  1. Resource-Intensive: To investigate, prosecute, and decide cases, the criminal justice system needs a lot of resources, and the budgets and these resources are an issue.

The efficiency of criminal law depends on how well it is put into practice, how well it is balanced with other legal systems, and how well it is adjusted to changing conditions.


About The Author:

Adv. Pankti M. Doshi is a distinguished non-litigation and litigation advocate with a reputation for providing expert legal counsel across various sectors. With a career spanning for over 5 years, Pankti has specialized in crafting meticulous legal documents, contracts, and agreements with its registration, will drafting with registration, testamentary cases, family dispute matters, civil matters, Redevelopment work etc that protect clients' interests and ensure compliance with all applicable laws.