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How to Find a Genuine Immigration Consultant?

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Immigration Laws in India

Immigration refers to the movement of people from one state-nation to another, where they are not citizens. It implies long-term and permanent residence by the immigrants. People migrate due to economic, political, religious, and personal reasons. Short-term visitors and tourists are not considered immigrants. Seasonal labor migration is treated as a form of immigration. 

Immigration Law immigration in a nation. Immigration Law is related to the Nationality Law of a nation that governs the matters of citizenship. Immigration Law is regulated by the International Law concerning the citizens of a country. The International Organization for Migration is the main organization in the field of Migration. The organization promotes humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.

The main objective of immigration is to gain nationality or citizenship in a different country. In India, the law relating to nationality is governed by constitutional provisions. The Constitution of India permits only single citizenship for the entire country. The provisions of citizenship are in Articles 5 to 11 in Part-II of the Constitution of India. Articles 5 to 9 determine the status of persons as Indian citizens, and Article 10 provides for the continuance as citizens subjected to the provisions of any law enacted by the legislature. Article 11 of the Constitution saves the power of Parliament to make any provision regarding the termination or acquisition of citizenship and other matters relating to citizenship. Article 5 of the Indian Constitution states that every person belonging to the following categories and has his domicile in the territory of India will be considered as a citizen of India:

 1) Who were born in the territory of India; 

 2) Either of whose parents are born in the territory of India

 3) Who has ordinarily been a resident in the territory of India for not less than five years 

Article 6 and 7 of the Constitution provides the citizenship rights of certain people who have migrated to India from Pakistan and migrants to Pakistan. Article 8 of the Constitution provides the rights of citizenship to people of Indian origin who are residing outside India.

The Immigration Act, 2000 was enacted to confront the arrival of many people without a valid travel document by the carriers in contravention. The Immigration services are at the International Airports in India and the Foreigners' registration work in these five cities. The Bureau of Immigration handles these.

Who is an Immigration Consultant?

An immigration consultant is a person who has to follow all the legal procedures to emigrate people from one country to another using the legal documentation process for study, travel, and business purpose. These consultants may or may not possess the required knowledge and skill that is required for immigration and visa laws and legal procedures for obtaining a different kinds of visas. 

How to find a genuine Immigration consultant? 

The process of immigration and the changing rules force the applicants to consult immigration experts. We expect that they will organize a smooth transition for your journey. Here are some of the best ways to find a genuine immigration consultant.

By searching on the internet, you will come across many consultancies, and make sure you check the credibility in all possible ways.                                           

2. Look For Referrals

Advice from friends, a family, or someone who has experience in this field can get referrals from other service agencies that are legal and personally trusted.                                    

The Visa and Immigration Documentation Consultancy must be registered with the immigration regulatory body of the country.        

A registered consultancy firm will have a proper office setup, registration status, client servicing team, and other professional experts.                                                 

Search for testimonials and reviews that prove the genuine nature of the company. Feedbacks in the form of video testimonials are preferable.                                            

Tempting placement guarantees and job offers overseas are entrapments to squeeze money out of the customers. Avoid such agents.                                                

How do you check the reliability of the consultants?

An inquiry into the immigration service should precede the final decision of hiring a firm. Some points to be followed are:

  1. The firm should have a proper office setup 

  2. The accreditation and track record of a firm should be checked 

  3. The services that the firm offers must be explained in detail.

  4. The immigration consultant should be registered and legally authorized. 

  5. The experts should have in-depth knowledge of the process.

  6. Transparency regarding the application is necessary.

Why should you hire an authorized immigration consultant?

Without proper knowledge and expertise, the immigration consultant may turn down the application which may worsen the case; hence proper expertise and knowledge are significant.

A reliable immigration lawyer will ensure the on-time submission of legally valid documents that suffice the current rules and regulations. 

Most reputable and authorized immigration firms provide all services at a fair price, and honesty is expected in terms of consultation.

An experienced, highly professional immigration consultant will give you more chances of success with visa approval.


These are certain points to be remembered while being involved in immigration issues. The applicant must make sure that all the information provided in the application is correct. Misleading information and giving false information to authorities will draw legal action and punishments. The consultants who advise on giving false or forged documents are also liable for action. These things only corroborate the fact that one should always find a genuine immigration consultant.

Author: Ankita Aggarwal