Know The Law
Important traffic rules in India you should know

In India, there are 22 vehicles for every 1000 people. Considering the population of India, even if this ratio is a tiny portion of those of nations like the USA and the UK, it nevertheless represents a staggering number of automobiles.
The traffic authorities frequently struggle greatly to uphold law and order due to the heavy traffic on the nation's roads. These regulations are frequently overlooked by novice drivers, and some people simply break the law without regard for the safety of others.
Here are some fundamental guidelines you need to be aware of before you start driving, along with the consequences of breaking them. Let's start exploring, shall we?
Basic But important traffic rules to follow in India
The most prevalent traffic laws in the nation that every driver should be aware of are listed below. They are some of the laws that are also most frequently broken.
1.Drink and drive
According to a statistic, almost 19 Indians every day pass away in drunk driving accidents. The legal limit for blood alcohol content when driving is now set at 0.03% or 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. Depending on the final blood alcohol limit, a person who fails this BAC test may be penalized between Rs. 2000 and Rs. 10,000.
These people may also receive a prison sentence of between seven months and four years.
2.Vehicle insurance
The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 mandates that all motor vehicles in India always have current third-party insurance coverage. Driving a vehicle without such a protection plan could result in penalties if you are careless and the insurance coverage expires. For the first offense of this kind, the traffic authorities impose a fine of Rs. 2000. Repeat offenses, however, may result in fines of up to Rs. 4000.
3.Seatbelt while driving a car
Get into the habit of fastening your seatbelt as soon as you get into your car if you are a rookie driver. In addition to helping you avoid traffic infractions, doing this could potentially save your life in the event of an accident. Traffic police have the authority to immediately punish you with up to Rs. 1000 for driving without a seat belt around your waist and chest.
4.Helmet while riding a two-wheeler.
While operating a two-wheeled vehicle, a helmet is required at all times. One distinction to make in this situation is that the law mandates that everyone riding a two-wheeler, not only the driver, wear a helmet. Fines of up to Rs. 1000 are the possible punishment for breaking this rule. In extreme circumstances, the police may even opt to suspend your license for up to three months.
5.Using Mobile phone while riding
As of October 1, 2020, drivers are only permitted to use mobile phones while operating a motor vehicle for navigational purposes. Prepare to incur a fine of up to Rs. 5000 if you are caught using your phone while driving in any other way. Such traffic offenders also face a one-year prison term.
6.Over speeding
Never drive faster than the posted speed limit on the road since doing so will get you in trouble with the police. According to research by Business Standard, speeding was a factor in 66% of incidents on Indian roads in 2018. The amount of the speeding fine varies depending on the size of your vehicle, usually falling between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000.
Road Traffic Signal
Ensure to obey the various traffic lights while driving, even if you're in a rush, if you don't want to face fines of up to Rs. 5000 and a year in imprisonment. Keep in mind the adage "better late than never."
The purpose of traffic laws is to protect commuters from harm on the roadways. But tragically, in India, the majority of people either don't know a lot of the regulations or have a lot of misconceptions about what it means to follow the rules.
To protect our safety, traffic laws are established and requested to be adhered to. Following them and being safe on the roads won't do any harm. Simply being aware of and adhering to the regulations of the road makes you a better and safer commuter.