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Court: division bench of Justices Alexander Thomas and Sophy Thomas Case: Pranavu @ Pedali v State of Kerala The Kerala High Court recently directed Legal Services Authorities to ensure that the communities of elderly family members of convicts are give

Feature Image for the blog - Court: division bench of Justices Alexander Thomas and Sophy Thomas Case: Pranavu @ Pedali v State of Kerala   The Kerala High Court recently directed Legal Services Authorities to ensure that the communities of elderly family members of convicts are give

Court: division bench of Justices Alexander Thomas and Sophy Thomas

Case: Pranavu @ Pedali v State of Kerala

The Kerala High Court recently directed Legal Services Authorities to ensure that the communities of elderly family members of convicts are given the necessary support and care especially medical services.

The bench was hearing a plea filed by a convict in a murder case seeking bail so that he can help his aged father when he undergoes an operation and subsequent medical treatment.

The Court was informed due to the stigma associated with the interaction with a convict's family, the other relatives of the applicant were not inclined to associate with them.

Judges suggested that in such cases, rather than granting bail, a system where community members and those in the neighborhood could provide support should be implemented.

According to Justice Thomas, a social issue such as this requires a community-based solution instead of the Court's intervention on a case-by-case basis.

Therefore, the Court ordered the Kerala District and Taluk Legal Services Authorities to intervene in the applicant's case.

It has been ordered that the applicant report back to the jail for the time being, and the concerned authorities should report back to the Court within ten days if there has been any progress in obtaining help for the parents.