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“India, I reached my destination, And you too “ Chandrayaan-3 Made Soft Landing On South Pole, India Congratulates ISRO

Feature Image for the blog - “India, I reached my destination, And you too “ Chandrayaan-3 Made Soft Landing On South Pole, India Congratulates ISRO

India achieved a historic milestone on Wednesday evening with Chandrayaan-3, becoming the first country to successfully land on the lunar south pole. With this successful landing, India has joined an elite club and stands as only the fourth nation to touch the lunar surface, following in the footsteps of the USA, Russia, and China.

ISRO Chief S. Somanath, on Wednesday, extended heartfelt congratulations to the entire nation for the resounding success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission and proudly declared, "India is on the moon." Expressing his gratitude to the team members who contributed to this remarkable achievement, he further expressed, "Thank you, everyone, for the support. We learned a lot from our failures, and today we succeeded. We are looking forward to the next 14 days from now for Chandrayaan-3."

Following the monumental soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar south surface, Prime Minister Modi shared his excitement, stating, "Every Indian is celebrating today. Every home is celebrating. I am also connected to the people of my country at this proud moment. It is the dawn of a new era." He conveyed his warm congratulations to the dedicated team of scientists at ISRO who made this mission an awe-inspiring triumph.

Chief Justice of India (CJI) D. Y. Chandrachud, too, offered his congratulations to team ISRO for their extraordinary achievement. "It is with immense pride, as a citizen of our great nation, that I witnessed the remarkable landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon today. The success of the lunar mission places India in a select group of nations to have successfully achieved a landing on the lunar surface," he told PTI News.  He emphasized the uniqueness of India's accomplishment by being the sole nation to have achieved a lunar landing on the moon's south pole, thereby opening new avenues for scientific research and discovery. CJI Chandrachud expressed his heartiest congratulations to the ISRO team and the entire scientific community for their historic achievement, remarking that they had truly made the nation proud of their work.

At exactly 6:03 p.m., the lander gently made contact with the lunar surface, sparking joyful celebrations at ISRO. Subsequently, the lander flawlessly released the rover, tasked with conducting on-site chemical analysis of the lunar terrain while on the move. Both the lander and the rover, designed for a mission span of one lunar day ( 14 Earth days), are equipped with scientific instruments to conduct experiments on the moon's surface.

Author: Anushka Taraniya, News Writer MIT ADT University.