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THE CHILD LABOUR (Prohibition and Regulation) ACT, 1986

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THE CHILD LABOUR (Prohibition and Regulation) ACT, 1986

  1. I  OBJECT:
    To prohibit the engagement of children in certain employment’s and to regulate the conditions of work or children in certain other employment’s. DEFENITION:

    Child: Child means a person who has not completed his fourteen years of age.

  2. II  APPLICABILITY: In extends to the whole of India.

    No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the following occupations: Set forth in part of ‘A’ of the schedule or in any workshop where in any of the process set forth in part ‘B’ of the schedule to this Act

  1. Transport of passengers, goods; or mails by railway

  2. Cinder picking, clearing of an ash pit or building operation in the railway


  3. Work in a catering establishment at a railway station, involving the movement

    of vendor or any other employee of the establishment from one platform to

    another or into or out of a moving train.

  4. Work relating to the construction of railway station or with any other work

    where such work is done in close proximity to or between the railway lines.

  5. The port authority within the limits of any port.


  6. Work relating to selling of crackers and fireworks in shops with temporary licenses

  1. Abattoirs/slaughter Houses

  2. Automobile workshops and garages.

  3. Founderies

  4. Handling of taxies or inflammable substance or explosives

  5. Handlom and powerloom industry

  6. Mines (Under ground and under water) and collieries

  7. P lastic units and Fiber glass workship


    In any workshop wherein any of the following processes is carried on.

  1. 1  Beedi making

  2. 2  Carpet Weaving

  3. 3  Cement manufacture including bagging of cement.


106 4 Cloth printing, deying and weaving.

  1. 5  Manufacture of matches, explosive and fire works.

  2. 6  Mica cutting and splitting.

  3. 7  Shellac manufacture

  4. 8  Soap manufacture

  5. 9  T a nning.

  6. 10  Wool cleaning

  7. 11  Building and construction industry

  8. 12  Manufacture of slate pencils (including packing)

  9. 13  Manufacture of products of agate

  10. 14  Manufacturing processes using toxic metals and substances such as lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, cadmium, benzene, pesticides and asbestos (Section-3)


  11. 15  All Hazardous prossess an defined in section 2(cb) and dangerous operations

    as notified in ruler made under section 87 of the factories Act 1948

  12. 16  Printing (as defined in section 2(k) of the factories Act 1948

  13. 17  Cashew and cashew nut descaling and processing

  14. 18  Soldering process in electronic industries

19 Agarbathi manufacturing
20 Automobile repairs and maintenance (namely welding lather work , dent

beating and printing)
21 Brick kilns and Roof files units
22 Cotton ginning and processing and production of hosiery goods
23 Detergent manufacturing
24 Fabrication workshop (ferrous and non-ferrous)
25 Gem cutting and polishing
26 Handling of chromites and manganies ores
27 Jute textile manufacture and of coir making
28 Lime kilns and manufacture of lime
29 Lock making
30 Manufacturing process having exposure to lead such as primary and

secondary smelting, welding etc. ( See item 30 of part B process)
31 Manufacture of glass, glass ware including bangles fluorescent tubes bulbs

and other similar glass products
32 Manufacturing of cement pipes, cement products, and other related work. 33 Manufacture of dyes and dye stuff
34 Manufacturing or handling of pesticides and insecticides
35 Manufacturing or processing and handling of corrosive and toxic substances,

metal cleaning and photo enlarging and soldering processes in electronic

36 Manufacturing of burning coal and coal briquette
37 Manufacturing of sports goods involving to synthetic materials, chemicals and

38 Moulding and processing of fiberglass and plastics
39 Oil expelling and refinery
40 Paper making
41 Potteries and ceramic industry
42 Polishing, moulding, cutting welding and manufacture of brass goods in all

43 Process in agriculture where tractors, threshing and harvesting machines are

used and chabt cutting
44 Saw mill all process
45 Sericulture processing
46 Skinning dyeing and process for manufacturing of leather and leather products

109 47 Stone breaking and stone crushing

48 Tobacco processing including manufacturing of tobacco, tobacco paste and handling of tobacco in any form

49 Tyre making repairing, re-trading and graphite beneficiation 50 Utensils making polishing and metal buffing

51 Zari Making (all process) 52


    The central government may by notification constitute a child Labour technical advisory committee to advise the central govt. for the purpose of addition of occupations to the schedule of the Act. (Section-5).

    No child shall be required or permitted to work in any establishment in excess of number of hours prescribed (Section-7) In Kerala the working hours in limited to four and half hours in a day. (Rule -3).

    The period of work on each day shall not exceed three hours and no child shall work for more than three hours before he has had an interval for rest for at least one hour. No child shall be permitted or required to work between 7 P.m. and 8 a.m.

No child shall be required or permitted to work overtime. (Section-7).

    Every child shall be allowed in each week a holiday of one whole day. (Section-8).

    Every occupier shall within 30 days send a written notice in Form-A to the inspector within whose local limits the establishment is situated. (Section-8 read with Rule-4).



    If any question arises between an inspector and an occupier as to the age of any child, in the absence of a certificate in Form-C as to the age of such child granted by the prescribed medical authority, be referred by the inspector for

decision to the prescribed medical authority. ( A govt. medical officer not below the rank of an Assistant surgeon of a district or on officers having equivalentrankinESIDispensariesorhospitals (Section-10readwithRule- 16)

Every occupier of an establishment shall maintain a register in respect of children employed or permitted to work at the establishment in F orm-B. (Sect. II read with Rule-15)

Every occupier shall display in the establishment the abstract of section-3 and 14 in form-D of the Act (Section 12 read with Rule-17)

Violations under Section-3 shall be punishable with imprisonment which shall not be less than three months which may extend to one year or with fine which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees but which may extend to twenty thousand rupees or with both. Continuing offence under section (3) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than

six months but which may extend to two years.
Any other violations under the Act shall be punishable with simple imprisonment, which may extend to one month or with fine, which may extend to ten thousand rupees or with both.



2. Police Officer

3. Inspector appointed under the Act
No. court inferior to that of a metropolitan Magistrate or a Magistrate of the

First Class shall try any offense under this Act. (Section-16)
Shall be a Government Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant

Surgeon of a district or an officer of the equivalent rank employed on a regular basis in Employees State Insurance dispensaries or hospitals.
17. Abstract of the Act.- An abstract of sections 3 and 14 of the Act shall be

displayed in form D suspended to these rules (Rule 17)