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Bare Acts


Feature Image for the blog - THE IDENTIFICATION OF PRISONERS ACT, 1920

An Act to authorize the taking of measurements and photographs of convicts and others. Whereas it is expedient to authorize the taking of measurements and photographs of convicts and others; it is hereby enacted as follows:

           1. Short title and extent. — (1) This Act may be called the 

           Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920; and

           (2) It extends to the whole of India except the territories which, 

           immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in Part B 


           2. Definitions. — In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in 

           the subject or context, — 

           (a) “measurements“ include finger-impressions and foot-print 


           (b) “police officer“ means an officer in charge of a police station, 

           a police officer making an investigation under [1] [Chapter XIV of 

           the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898] or any other police officer 

           not below the rank of Sub-Inspector; and

           (c) “prescribed“ means prescribed by rules made under this Act.


            Madhya Pradesh

              In its application to the State of Madhya Pradesh in Section 2, 

           clause (a), for the words “finger impressions”, substitute the words 

           “finger impressions, palm-impressions”.

            [M.P. Act 40 1961].

            Tamil Nadu

              In its application to the State of Tamil Nadu in Section 2, 

           Clause (b), after the words “Sub-Inspector” the words “and includes 

           Finger Print Experts of the Finger Print Bureau, Madras and of the 

           Single Digit Finger Print Section in the State of Tamil Nadu” 


            [T.N. Act 44 of 1981].

           3. Taking of measurements, etc., of convicted persons. — Every 

           person who has been, — 

           (a) convicted of any offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment 

           for a term of one year of upwards, or of any offence which would 

           render him liable to enhanced punishment on a subsequent convicted; 


           (b) ordered to give security for his good behaviour under Section 

           118 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898) [2] .

           shall, if so required, allow his measurements and photograph to be 

           taken by a Police Officer in the prescribed manner.



              In clause (b) of Section 3, add the following at the end:

              “or under Section 93 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949”.

            [Bombay Act 58 of 1953].


              For Section 3, substitute the following namely, — 

              “3. Taking of measurements, etc., of convicted persons. — Every 

           person who has been — 

               (a)  convicted of any offence punishable with rigorous 

           imprisonment for a term of tone year or upwards or of any offence 

           punishable under Section 19 of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930, or of 

           any offence which would render him liable to enhanced punishment on 

           a subsequent conviction, or

               (b)  ordered to give security for his good behaviour under 

           Section 118 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, or under 

           Section 93 of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, or to give security 

           for abstaining from commission of certain offences under Section 18 

           of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930.

            shall if so required allow his measurements and photographs to be 

           taken by a police officer in the prescribed manner.”                 


                [Maharashtra Act 35 of 1970].

           4. Taking of measurement, etc., of non-convicted persons. — Any 

           person who has been arrested in connection with an offence 

           punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term of one year or 

           upwards shall, if so required by a police officer, allow his 

           measurements to be taken in the prescribed manner.



               (i)  In its application to the State of Gujarat for Section 4, 

           the following substituted, namely:

              “4. Taking of measurements of photographs of non-convicted 

           persons. — An person — 

               (a)  who has been arrested — 

                       (i) under Section 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 

           1898, or under Section 4 of the Bombay Beggars Act, 1945;

                       (ii) in connection with an offence punishable under 

           Section 122 of the Bombay Police Act, 1951, or under Section 6 or 9 

           of the Bombay Beggars Act, 1945, or in connection with an offence 

           punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term of one year or 

           upwards, or

               (b)  in respect of whom a direction or order under Section 55 or 

           56 of the Bombay Police Act, 1951, or under sub-section (1) or (2) 

           of Section 23 of the Bombay Beggars Act, 1945, or under Section 2 of 

           the Bombay Public Security Measures Act, 1947, has been made,

            shall, if so required by a police officer, allow his measurements 

           or photograph to be taken in the prescribed manner.”

              (ii) After Sec. 4 insert Section 4A as in Maharashtra.

            [Act 11 of 1960].


              In its application to the State of Karnataka, for Section 4 

           substitute the following:

              “4. Taking of measurements or photographs of unconvicted persons. 

           — Any person — 

               (a)  who has been arrested in connection with an offence 

           punishable under Section 96 of the Karnataka Police Act, 1963, or in 

           connection with an offence punishable of the Karnataka Police Act, 

           1963, or in connection with an offence punishable with rigorous 

           imprisonment for a term of one year or upward or in connection with 

           an offence for the commission of which on a second or subsequent 

           occasion enhanced penalties have been provided for under any law for 

           the time being in force; or

               (b)  in respect of whom direction or order under Section 54 or 

           55 of the Karnataka Police Act, 1963, has been made,

            shall if so required by a police officer, allow his measurements or 

           photographs to be taken in the prescribed manner.

              (i) After Section 4, insert the following:

              “4-A. Taking of measurements, etc. of habitual offenders against 

           whom restriction order is made. — Any person against whom an order 

           of restriction has been made under the provisions of the Karnataka 

           Habitual Offenders Act, 1961, shall if so required by a Police 

           Officer, allow his measurements of photograph to the taken in be 

           prescribed manner”.

            [Karnataka Act 29 of 1975].

              (ii) After Section 4-A as inserted in Karnataka insert the 

           following the following:

              “4-B. Taking of measurement, etc., of beggars under the Karnataka 

           Prohibition of Beggary Act, 1975. — Any person who has been arrested 

           and not released under sub-section (2) of Section 11 of the 

           Karnataka Prohibition of Beggary Act, 1975 (Karnataka Act 27 of 

           1975) or against whom an order of detention has been made under 

           sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the said Act, shall, if so required 

           by an officer-in-charge of a receiving centre or relief centre allow 

           his measurements and photographs to be taken in the prescribed 


            [Karnataka Act 1 of 1987].


              For Section 4, substitute the following:

              “4. Any person arrested — 

               (a)  who has been convicted — 

                       (i)in connection with an offence punishable under 

           Section 19 of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930, or Section 66, 69 or 85 

           of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949, or Section 122 of the Bombay 

           Police Act, 1951, or Section 7 of the Drugs and Magic Remedies 

           (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954, or Section 8 of the 

           Suppression of the Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1958, or 

           Section 6 or 11 of the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959, or 

           any other offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term 

           of one year or upwards, or

                       (ii)under Section 54, 55 or 151 of the Code of Criminal 

           Procedure, 1898 or Section 4 of the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 

           1920, or

               (b)  in respect of whom a direction or order under Section 5 of 

           the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920, or under Section 55, 56 

           or 57 of the Bombay Police Act, 1951, has been made, or

               (c)  to whom a pardon has been tendered under Section 337 or 338 

           or who has been acquitted under Section 339-A of the Code of 

           Criminal Procedure, 1898.

            shall, if so required by a Police Officer, allow his measurements 

           or photograph to be taken in the prescribed manner.”                 


           [Maharashtra Act 35 of 1970].

              In its application to the State of Bombay, after Section 4, 

           insert the following:

              “4-A. Taking of measurements, etc., of habitual offenders against 

           whom restriction under is made. — Any person against whom an order 

           of restriction has been made under the provisions of the Bombay 

           Habitual Offenders Act, 1959, shall, if so required, allow his 

           measurements and photographs to be taken by a police officer in the 

           prescribed manner”.

            [Bombay Act 58 of 1953, and Maharashtra Act 35 of 1970].

           5. Power of Magistrate to order a person to be measured or 

           photographed.  — If a Magistrate is satisfied that, for the purposes 

           of any investigation or proceeding under the Code of Criminal 

           Procedure, 1898, it is expedient to direct any person to allow his 

           measurements or photograph to be taken, he may make an order to the 

           effect, and in that case the person to whom the order relates shall 

           be produced or shall attend at the time and place specified in the 

           order and shall allow his measurements or photograph to be taken, as 

           the case may be, by a police officer:

           Provided that no order shall be made directing any person to be 

           photographed except by a Magistrate of the first class:

           Provided further, that no order shall be made under this section 

           unless the person has at some time been arrested in connection with 

           such investigation or proceeding.


            Gujarat, Maharashtra

              In Section 5 — 

               (a)  in the first proviso, for the words “except by a Magistrate 

           of the first class”substitute the words “except by the District 

           Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, a Magistrate of the first 


            [Bombay Act 8 of 1954, and Maharashtra Act 35 of 1970; Act 11 of 


               (b)  to the first proviso, add the words “or a Presidency 

           magistrate”. Now it has been replaced by the words “Metropolitan 

           Magistrate”. Besides Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, Ahmedabad have 

           such Magistrates, See Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Sections 8 and 

           16.                                  [Bombay Act 11 of 1922, Bombay 

           Act 17 of 1945,                                              

           Maharashtra Act 35 of 1970, Act 11 of 1960].


              In its application to the State of Karnataka, in Section 5, 

           substitute the following for first proviso:

              “Provided that no order shall be made directing any person to be 

           photographed except by a District Magistrate, a Sub-Divisional 

           Magistrate or a Magistrate of the First Class.”

            [Karnataka Act 29 of 1975].


             Merely because a person was earlier prosecuted for an offence, the 

           same not a ground to connect the said person to an habitual offender 

           or addicted to crime. M.S. Syed Anwar and etc. v. Commissioner of 

           Police, Bangalore City and another. 1992 Cri.L.J 1606 (Kant)

           6. Resistance to the taking of measurements, etc. —  (1) If any 

           person who under this Act is required to allow his measurements or 

           photograph to be taken resists or refuses to allow the taking of the 

           same, it shall be lawful to use all means necessary to secure the 

           taking thereof.

           (2) Resistance to or refusal to allow taking of measurements or 

           photograph under this Act shall be deemed to be an offence under 

           Section 186 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

           7. Destruction of photographs and records of measurements on 

           acquittal. —  Where any person who, not having been previously 

           convicted of an offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a 

           term of one year or upwards, has had his measurements taken or has 

           been photographed in accordance with the provisions of this Act is 

           released without trial or discharged or acquitted by any court, all 

           measurements and all photographs (both negatives and copies) so 

           taken shall, unless the court or (in a case where such person is 

           released without trial) the District Magistrate or Sub-divisional 

           Officer for reasons to be recorded in writing otherwise directs, be 

           destroyed or made over to him.


            Gujarat: Maharashtra

              In Section 7, after the words `officer' insert the words “or in 

           any area for which a Commissioner of Police has been appointed the 

           Commissioner of Police.”

            [Bombay Act 11 of 1922, Bombay Acts 17 of 1945, 21 of 1954, and 56 

           of 1959 : Maharashtra Act 35 of 1979, and Act 11 of 1960].


              For Section 7, substitute the following:

              “7. Destruction of photographs and records of measurements, etc. 

           on acquittal. — Where any person who not having been previously 

           convicted of an offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a 

           term of one year or upwards, has had his measurements taken or has 

           been photographed in accordance with the provisions of this Act, is 

           released without trial or discharged or acquitted by any court, all 

           measurement and all photographs (both negative and copies) so taken 

           shall, unless the court or in a case where a person is released 

           without trial, the District Magistrate or the Sub-Divisional 

           Magistrate or in any area where a Commissioner of Police, has been 

           appointed, the Commissioner of Police for reasons to be recorded in 

           writing otherwise directs be destroyed or made over to him.” 

            [Karnataka Act 29 of 1975].

           8. Power to make rules. — (1) The State Government may [3] [by 

           notification in official Gazette] make rules for the purpose of 

           carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.

           (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the 

           foregoing provision, such rules may provide for, — 

           (a) restriction on the taking of photographs of persons under 

           Section 5; 

           (b) the places at which measurements and photographs may be taken; 

           (c) The nature of the measurements that may be taken;

           (d) the method in which any class or classes or measurements shall 

           be classed or taken;

           (e) the dress to be worn by a person when being photographed under 

           Section 3; and 

           (f) the preservation, safe custody, destruction and disposal of 

           records of measurements and photographs 

           [4] [Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as 

           may be, after it is made before State Legislature].


            Gujarat, Maharashtra

              In clause (e) of sub-section (2), for the words “under Section 3” 

           substitute the words “in accordance with the provisions of this 


            [Bombay act 58 of 1953, Mah. Act 35 of 1970, and Act 11 of 1960].


              In its application to the State of Karnataka in Clause (e) of 

           sub-section (2) of Section 8, for the words “under Section 3” 

           substitute the words “in accordance with the provisions of this 


            [Karnataka Act 29 of 1975].

           9. Bar of suits. — No suit or other proceedings shall lie against 

           any person for anything done, or intended to be done in good faith 

           under this Act or under any rule made thereunder.


           [1] See now Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974).

           [2] See now Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974).

           [3] Ins. by Act No. 4 of 1986 (w.e.f. 15-5-1986).

           [4] Ins. by Act. No. 4 of 1986 (w.e.f. 15-5-1986)