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Note-making is a skill that is the most important tool a student should have in their student life. In this generation of widespread and in-depth knowledge, we have to learn how to make notes that make the information accessible and easier to revise at any time. Note-making overcomes the problem of having to memorize everything. 

It is a way of recording anything of importance into more accessible topics and subtopics. It helps the information be concise and easier to go through again as and when required. It also saves the time taken in writing full sentenced paragraphs. The sentences here can be to the point and need not be grammatically correct.


The advantage of note-making is many, such as:

  • Keeps one alert: it is known forever that writing things down is the most effective way to remember them down rather than only hearing or watching/reading. Hence making notes while simultaneously listening to the ongoing lecture keeps the brain alert and not feel lazy or sleepy.

  • Engages the mind: The act of listening or watching and decoding what to add to the notes and what not to engages the brain and improves brain activity.

  • Easy revision: the main reason for note-making is to make information available easily and concisely whenever required. Hence it makes revision and retention of things easy.

  • Focus on essential information: while making notes, we can skip full-formed sentences and write only the keywords while highlighting critical information by underlining it.

  • Time-efficient: the concise pattern of the notes makes the process of reading more accessible and faster. The reader is only given the most important details.

  • Organizing thoughts and ideas: locating important information out of irrelevant sentences makes the thought process more organized. 

  • Improves listening skills: When making notes, their goal is to listen thoroughly and decode the things to write down. If one is not efficient, one might struggle to make an impressive note. Hence, listening improves as all attention is focused on the source.


Note-making is a skill that gets easier with practice. It gives the writer complete freedom regarding grammar but has a few rules that make note-making effective and concise. 

The formats that are usually followed is: -

  • Heading: - the title or the header of note.

  • Subheading: - A subheading is a subdivision of the main topic. One can use as many subheadings as one wants.

  • Point: - Below the subheading, some issues have corresponding content.

  • Sub-subheading: -  Subheading of a subheading can not only help in memorizing the details but also help you understand the topic in a better way. The better the bifurcation, the more one can grasp it.

  • Key or Keywords: - The keywords are a highlight of note-making skills. The keywords in the notes highlight various symbols, codes, or abbreviations used in the notes. It helps to get a clear understanding of the keys used in the note-making format.


  • Never use a completely formed sentence.

  • Use phrases only. It helps the notes to be to the point.

  • The main sentence is the sub-heading, and the sub-points corresponding to it is written under the subheading using bullet points.

  • Use short and appropriate titles and sub-headings that give a clear idea of what the content is inside.

  • The whole note should have 80-100 words, making it easier to read.

  • Be consistent and keep the format consistent each time you take notes.  

  • Use a loose-leaf approach that allows you to insert/arrange additional material. 

  • Always record your sources, date,  subject,  lecturer,  title,  author,  page no.  Etc.

  • Write on one side only.

  •  Use “speech marks”  or a different colored pen to identify direct quotations.

  • Use abbreviations, but only if you’ll remember what they stand for! 

  • Keep separate notebooks/binders/folders for each course  –  don’t muddle them.

  • Use color,  shape,  dotted lines to highlight,  link,  group ideas.


  • Copy the content word by word; instead, try to note down your interpretation of the key points.

  • Use ‘pocket’ notepads;  give yourself room to spread your writing and ideas.

  • Rely on PowerPoint handouts;  make your notes as well.

  • Worry if you miss something;  aim to get the big picture rather than all the detail.

  • Consider any examples too obvious  –  note them down.

  • Write down more than you would want to read again.


A note-making involves selecting, analyzing, summarizing, and organization of information. There are different note-making formats. Let us make ourselves familiar with them.

  • Split–page Format (A narrative note making format method):

Here, the page is divided into two columns. The first column has the standard notes, while the second has the summary. This is the most common note-making format to copy down lecture notes.

  • Pattern / Diagrammatic format (A pictorial note-making method): In this particular technique, note-making is done pictorially. All the information is jotted in the form of a diagram. Related ideas link together the main topic. This method is visually more appealing and easier to understand.

  • Mind Map (A visual note-making method): In this method, the main points and all the related points are presented through a map. It contains text and images. For a clear understanding, the information is linked in the proper sequence. The final result is a mind map.

  • Outline Technique (Another visual note-making method): The pointers are presented as an outline in this technique. All the titles and subtitles are numbered as per this outline. The use of subheadings and points is done.

  • Question and Prompt Format (A visual note-making format method): In this method, the main points are highlighted as a series of questions and appropriate answers. The answers are to the point and concise. It helps in revising the note more easily in lesser time.


Note-making can be a great tool once a person gets the hang of it. It is the most reliable skill in a student's life and hence should be used effectively and regularly to increase efficiency.

Author: Shweta Singh