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Life as a Law Student in India

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It is accurate to state that a profession in law is respectable, lucrative, and demanding. The legal profession also produces great leaders, creative thinkers, and people who are passionate about a variety of societal issues.

If you're considering applying to law school or are just anticipating that your first semester will begin, you probably have a lot of questions on your mind. "How challenging is law school?" What's it like in law school? "Is becoming a lawyer challenging?" and "how would you manage a legal degree?" will undoubtedly come up. If it describes your situation, don't worry! To help you, we've put together a list of items you should be aware of as you begin law school.

How it is like to be a Law Student in India?

Along with the obvious advantages of a profitable career in the public sector, corporate law, and independent practice, law school life, has perks that few other professional programs provide. 

Loads of Reading

It is difficult to describe how much reading a legal degree entails other than to say that there are a lot of law books, so let's get the scary one out of the way first. Law students have a reputation for putting in long hours in the library since they have to master the fundamentals of the law every week as well as the academic community's perspectives on it, neither of which will be an easy task. There is an art to organizing the reading lists, but it takes some time to get used to the pace of learning. When you first arrive, older students will give you all the help you need.

Yet, at the end of your first term, you'll be surprised by how fast you can identify a case's major points or the article's main themes. So, prepare yourself for the inevitable late-night reading sessions and pulling all-nighters. They do happen, but they are (nearly) only as frequently as you want them to be; if you are good at managing your time, you are never given more work than you can handle. You should form the habit of setting yourself a schedule for reading and any other assignments you have to complete.

Studying law in a multicultural setting

The fact that you will inevitably be surrounded by people from all backgrounds is one of the exciting parts of law school. Students from diverse backgrounds and educational experiences can study law. During class or study sessions, law students have the opportunity to engage and develop in a diverse environment. You will be able to identify with their interests, peculiarities, professions, and whatever motivates them.

Law school promises to be one of the most inclusive environments because you are an essential part of a varied group. Finding compatible pals allows you to examine many viewpoints at the same time. 

You build connections for a lifetime

Meeting individuals from various backgrounds is an essential part of law school and legal studies, and the more people you know, the higher your chances of success are. Building lifetime networks is one of law school's most underrated advantages. Opportunities to connect with people who can help you achieve in life will present themselves to you. Even if you choose not to pursue a career in law, these relationships will follow you for the rest of your life.

Although there isn't one "eureka!" moment, everything comes together gradually

Several legal disciplines, notably contract, and tort deal with various human actions, but they are so similar overall that you might not find a difference at all. As you typically only study a few things at once, you could not fully comprehend one topic until you have studied the next topic. Although universities work to set out the courses such that the first-year tests can at least stand on their own, it is quite normal to feel a little lost at first. For instance, criminal law is a suitable first-year subject because the concepts are simple to grasp and there is little overlap with other subjects. Just know that it's okay if you don't fully understand some topics, when you end up reading all the topics, you will understand the terms better. 

Academics is not enough

Law school students are very competitive; they are highly scholarly, memorizing every case, passing every exam, and studying legal maxims. Yet, you must realize that achieving academic success depends on more than just academic performance, therefore students should spend time honing other crucial talents as well.

Students should spend time honing their communication abilities, making mature friendships, practicing public speaking, fostering collaboration skills, and other traits necessary for success in the legal profession.

Your performance in law school will be largely determined by your participation in events like conferences, debate tournaments, moot court contests, arbitration and mediation seminars, etc.

Being able to think critically is crucial for lawyers. So, you must acquire practical abilities that may be used in the workplace to resolve issues. 


Internships expose students to the outside world. For hands-on community service, first-year students might begin their internships with NGOs or lower courts. Internships teach students a lot; by working with older attorneys, they have a greater understanding of case presentations, documentation, argument framing, and many other topics. It is a lifelong learning journey. Internships offer excellent chances for networking and might open many doors. Never forget that networking is the key and that knowledge is most useful in this situation.


As everything is new to first-year students, it may take them some time to become used to university life. It's great to have fun when you're a freshman, but keep your goals in mind and your focus. The top positions go to the best students. Thus, keep your attention on yourself and avoid comparing yourself to your peers. University, unlike undergraduate education, is a competitive environment. Have a plan, stick to a schedule, and practice discipline in all you do because all of the students are competing for the same top jobs. You will encounter all different types of people, so befriend those that want to work rather than play. Keep in mind that a law degree is one of the most difficult to earn but also offers excellent rewards.

Being a lawyer entails this. If you do a good job, people will come to you for assistance in informal settings all the time without having to pay you a cent. You might not know everything at the tip of your fingers as a law student. You won't typically remember specific requirements or guidelines from the legal text either. This only suggests that you're truly learning, not that you're a weak lawyer.

Social Stigma

Every career comes with a set of preconceptions, but law school prejudices are particularly harsh. People will disparage you for standing up for guilty parties and will call you names like the argumentative third party. You must keep in mind, that not all lawyers are equal. Of course, you will encounter people in law school who are solely interested in the power and wealth that a law degree brings——but there are also people who are interested in the field of law because they find it fascinating or they want to help "great people" get out of jail. The two classes can acquire significant wealth and power without experiencing any difficulty. You can practice law successfully without sacrificing your moral principles, too!

Upgrading from High school to Law school

Several things change rapidly when one moves from high school to law school, and it's not always easy to complete. As an adult with just acquired freedom, you must give yourself some optimum time to adapt to your new environment and learn how to take care of yourself.

Few people are aware of this, but you are likely to fall behind in your first few weeks or long periods of law school. During readings, you could feel utterly illogical or unqualified to be in this place. Don't worry; most students experience this, especially those who are the first in their families to pursue a legal career. Things will become better as anticipated.

Understanding the laws of India in-depth

The most important thing to understand about a law degree is that you will come across various things that you won’t like. This is an unpleasant by-product of the fact that law degrees are mostly vocational, requiring you to study topics that are not particularly attractive but are essential to society's efficient operation. While it's excellent that some students claim to have a passion for business law, it does seem to be the norm for students to enter college determined to become human rights lawyers.

Yet, because you master these subjects in great depth, you do find that your interest in them grows far more than you anticipated. When you think about it, what may appear to be a fairly technical subject, like land registration, is very crucial to specific individuals. For example, many cases involving this issue result in someone being forced out of their family home or being allowed to stay despite the prospective buyer not being aware that they had a legal interest in the property because it was not recorded in the register.

There is a mindset to adopt in this situation, and it is crucial to make sure that you love studying law. There will always be an interesting aspect to something that doesn't first appeal to you; it's usually the "human interest" or political perspective.  


The life of a law student involves more than just legal issues. Students can show off their skills in everything from dance to debating at the numerous social and cultural events taking place throughout campus. The journey is unforgettable due to a great number of additional events. Success will come if individuals are driven and enthusiastic in their pursuit of the objective.

Studying law offers the chance to study a variety of skills and gain knowledge about various facets of human existence. Having a degree in law does not obligate you to practice law; you are free to pursue other professional options. Although a law degree gives you the ability to become a successful lawyer, it also prepares you for practically any career that calls for a blend of academic prowess and a practical outlook on life. You have the opportunity to hone your thinking skills and expand your understanding of the entire spectrum of social sciences when you study law. Studying law is a fantastic choice if you want to develop both your practical problem-solving abilities and your capacity for intellectual thought.