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Types of Adoption In India

Being a parent is one of life's greatest joys, but not all couples can become biological parents, give birth, and raise their children. But you can always choose Adoption if you genuinely want to have children. You could think about child adoption process in a variety of ways. We'll talk about the different adoption types in India and their benefits and drawbacks in the following article.

No two adoptions are the same, and many factors can influence your adoption experience. These factors include the type of kid you wish to adopt, the location of the Adoption, and the make-up of your family.

The three most popular ways for a family to expand through Adoption are domestic infant adoption, Adoption from foster care, and international Adoption. Each category has a unique set of benefits, drawbacks, and processes required to finish the process.

Families of various kinds can expand through Adoption, including those with single parents, same-sex couples, stepparents, and grandparents. Following are the different types of Adoption available in India.

Open Adoption 

This type of Adoption is open, as the name suggests, meaning that the adoptive parents and the birth parents remain in contact.

If you're wondering how open adoption functions, it entails constant communication between the parties. The birth mother can meet the kid, and the birth mother and adoptive parents can communicate via letters, emails, phone conversations, and even in-person visits. Making a strategy that may meet everyone's expectations and requirements is part of this type of Adoption. Typically, access is allowed after the adopted child turns 18 years old (in most countries). Additionally, the prospective parents may be met by the birth mother, who will select which pair her child should go to.

Semi-Open Adoption

In this adoption form, the birth parents and adopted parents don't have any personal interactions.

The birth parents and adoptive parents are not required to communicate in a mediated or semi-open Adoption. However, the adoptive parents or the adoption agency the mother is registered with may continue to send her letters or pictures. This could go on until the child reaches adulthood. Semi-adoption can change into either an open or closed adoption at any time.

Closed Adoption

As the name implies, there is no communication between the adoptive parents and the birth parents during this type of Adoption.

In a closed adoption, neither set of parents has any contact with or knowledge of the other. The adoptive parents may occasionally be given access to the birth parents' medical records. However, the law may sometimes be strictly enforced, and the adoptive parents may not receive any information. This might occur when a youngster is saved from an abusive situation or removed from it.

Intra Family Adoption/Relative Adoption

This sort of Adoption takes place within the family.

A family member or the step-parents may legally adopt a kid if the child's biological parents pass away, remarry, or are otherwise unable to care for the child.

Domestic Adoption 

Adoption that takes place within a nation is referred to as domestic Adoption.

Domestic Adoption occurs when the birth parents and adoptive parents are from the same nation, and the Adoption occurs within that nation. The couple can register with any government agency authorized to adopt children. An investigating officer will check their information and determine whether or not the couple is qualified to adopt a child. The couple can adopt a child if the legalities are finished.

International Adoption

Adopting a kid internationally means choosing a couple (the adoptive parents) who are not citizens of the country where the child is being adopted.

International Adoption is the Adoption of a child by residents of one country from another. All nations have distinct rules governing international Adoption, and some even forbid it entirely. Domestic Adoption is given precedence in India. Foreign nationals are given preference for international Adoption in India, followed by Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs).

About The Author:

Adv.Yogita Joshi is known for her sharp wit to crack complex legal problems through their exquisite interpretational skills. She handles a wide range of cases dealing with various issues including civil and criminal especially white-collar crimes, Civil Suits, Family cases & POCSO cases. She also deals with anti-competition, complex contractual matters, Service, Constitutional and Human rights matters, and Matrimonial Cases.