

Getting into law school is hard enough, but surviving through it is a whole other experience. Coveted judicial clerkships, teaching positions, and government jobs are some of the opportunities acquired only by those who do well in their graduation. Hence, it is crucial to put in the required efforts while studying law. The employment opportunities after graduation of law students are profoundly impacted by their academic performance. Following are the best tips that will help you succeed in law school in India

  1. Stay on top of your daily notes - 

Take notes while reading, take notes in classes, take notes whenever possible because everything is important when it comes to success in law school—the most important thing being revisiting and revising regularly. Notes are going to be the foundation of the type of lawyer you become. Focus on the details, review your class notes before starting your next reading assignment, and analyze how the new cases you read affect those you already have reviewed in class. This can only be done when you develop a well-structured note-taking habit. This might be extremely tedious and difficult at first. But, by the end of your course, succeeding in law school makes it all worth it!

  1. Talk to your seniors.

It is always helpful to talk to someone who’s taken the same path. Ask your seniors about the professors and the strategies to answer correctly during exams. Ask them about the practice papers, internships, and assignments. There’s no one better to guide you.

  1. Take as many practice exams as possible.

When it comes to the law, topics taught in class are very different and difficult than those in exams. To ensure that you are well-versed in taking exams, ensure that you have taken lots of practise papers first. Preferably the exams that your professors have administered will help you determine how they draft the questions.


  1. Give your first semester everything you can

There would be a lot of pressure on you in the first semester because that determines your first ever summer internship. The first semester is hence critical for everyone. First-year grades will also heavily influence your eligibility for law review, other law journals, and moot court. These credentials are considered the most significant law school achievement signs, even more than your GPA in many cases. Many top private and public employers seek out young lawyers who've served on law journals or excelled in moot court.

  1. Attend classes regularly

Studying the law is rigorous, and succeeding at Law school can be challenging. Hence, a level of diligence and organization is expected from everyone. A reliable routine for classroom preparation and a consistent outlining method is essential to navigating the massive workload. There are times when the material discussed in class is not discussed in the reading. This means that if classes aren’t attended regularly, you will face a big disadvantage during exams. Always remember, class skills and exam skills are two separate things.

  1. Experience is the best teacher.

 Look out for as many internships as possible. The type of firm that you initially intern in decides the kind of ethics you’d hold towards your work for a very long time. That would, moreover, be your only exposure to the practical world. It’s important to seize the opportunity and make the most out of it as experience is the best teacher.

  1. Class participation

 Students tend to gain confidence when they actively engage in the learning process. Participating in class activities and debates also help in viewing an object or situation from different perspectives. Acing law school isn’t a cakewalk, but you tend to retain a particular topic longer when you're a part of something. Lastly, it also helps you make an impression in front of your professors.

  1. Preparation of an outline after each class

To retain the information and keep intact the memory of every lecture, an outline can be prepared after each class. Over time, this practice can also help in sharpening the analyzing skills that help determine the rules of law. Because the teaching style of all the professors is different, so the only way to get an outline tailored to your course is to make it yourself. Try completing the outlines when that topic is taught in class because once you’re late, you’re never able to catch up.

  1. Study groups for a broader perspective

Study groups play the role of a valuable learning tool. Having group discussions on the topics taken up in class with classmates increases the course material's understanding and retention. Helpful study tips and various exam strategies can also be discussed in the group. An even better way of preparing study groups can be through being with those who have similar academic goals. If you decide to form a study group, seek out other well-prepared students for class and have similar academic goals. Do not let your study group meetings become social or gossip sessions. Also, do not use study groups as a way of sharing the workload.

  1. Attend the workshops

Attending workshops, webinars and seminars are of paramount importance for a law aspirants. Reasons why law students must attend Webinars and Seminar is quite clear, EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE! These event are conducted by experts not only give you an insight into the practical world but also covers several topics together. Questions like preparing for and writing law school exams and skills essential to law school success are also discussed. Usually, the career options after graduation are spoken about as well. So, to find your area of interest, attending workshops is a must. 

  1. Get used to reading

If there’s one thing that you can’t do law without, it’s reading. The more you read, the more you expand your knowledge. So, do all of the reading assigned for your courses and try not to fall behind because it’s tough to catch up. Be consistent, and try doing your readings at times of the day when you are most alert. Ensure you’re in the environment in which you study soothing; otherwise, it might take longer than expected.

  1. Value the feedback from your professors

There are times when the professors give practice questions and specify that they’d review your answer if you submit it on time. That’s a golden opportunity for students because you understand what is expected of you and get the professor’s input. Ensure that you take full advantage of the same.

Found this interesting? Visit Rest The Case to read more such informative blogs that can help you thrive in law school.

Author: Shweta Singh