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How Do I Work on My Problem Solving Skills?

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In our world today, everyone faces problems daily. Quick-witted ones tackle these problems intelligently whereas some choose ignorance over actually solving them. Schools and colleges have indeed taught us about solving problems of algebra and geometry but have failed miserably in imbibing in students the indispensable quality of solving life problems.

Removing these obstacles is very essential. After all, life is all about a series of problems and difficulties to overcome.


What is problem-solving?

When we talk about problem-solving, we talk about certain abilities to find accurate solutions to the most routine problems we face in our workplace, as well as, in our social relationships with other human beings. It is the 'figure-it-out' attitude that drives the whole process of problem-solving.

That is, from being able to recognize the depth of the problem to searching for the most appropriate solution, having a change in mindset and thinking. All of this plays a tremendous and crucial role. It is just as simple as that.

Here, we're going to talk about some qualities you must possess to achieve success. These qualities will help you become an excellent problem solver. It can help you develop skills and approaches to efficiently solving problems in life.

Here are some qualities of becoming an exceptionally high standard problem solver:

  1. Have an excellent thinking capacity: Good problem solvers are good thinkers. They can combine the right logic with the right intuition to produce an accurate solution. They always take problematic issues and objectively solve them.
  2. Consider problems as challenges: Good problem solvers consider their problems as new challenges and opportunities. They constantly learn from what they encounter. They also consider every new problem as a wonderful life experience.
  3. Constantly improve your skills: They always exert themselves vigorously to improve their communication skills.
  4. Achieve more productivity: They are capable of breaking down all “big problems” and reconstructing them in a way where they achieve way more productivity than usual.
  5. Practices problem-solving: The problem-solving ability has to be practiced. It doesn't occur to anyone, overnight. The more you practice, the better you get at solving bigger problems now and then or whenever you come across any. When you start in the very beginning, the most basic of the basic problems seem insurmountably hard but once you learn how to practice. you can take your problem-solving ability to the next level.
  6. Define the problem first: You have to define the problem clearly and gather all the relevant facts about the problem. It's unbelievable how much time and energy people waste attempting to solve a problem when people are not even sure as to what the problem is in the first place.
  7. Understand the causes of the problems: Ask yourself what are all the possible causes of this problem. There's a direct proportionality between the number of reasons that you come up with (it's understanding, it's the origin) and the likelihood of finding a solution.
  8. Explore all the possible solutions: Ask yourself what are all the possible solutions. The more possible solutions that you come up with, the more likely you'll come up with the ideal solution.
  9. Make a decision: It is well said that any decision is better than no decision at all. It's surprising to know that 80% of the problem should be solved as soon as it comes up. Only 20% of them require deliberation, time, and extra research.
  10. Assign responsibilities to yourself: Determine when you're going to do it and to what extent you're going to achieve it.
  11. Set a schedule: Determine a standard to measure whether the decision made has been successful. Brian Lucy says, "a solution without a standard or deadline is not a solution at all, it becomes merely a discussion."
  12. Train yourself for taking definite actions:  Implement the solution and resolve the problems, always remember action is everything. The more you shift your focus on finding solutions, the smarter you become.
  13. Do not give up after the first try: The reason why most individuals give up after the first try is because of all the obstacles and difficulties and roadblocks and problems that appear immediately the moment they decide to give solving problems, the first try.
  14. Have a solution-oriented mentality: Once you have decided on your goal, ask yourself why am I not there already? You become what you think about the most. Successful people have a way of thinking that we call solution orientation in the areas of problem-solving and getting over difficult situations because these people think about solutions most of the time rather than dwelling over how these problems have rendered their lives miserable.

Fortunately, problem-solving is a skill that can be learned. The more you think about solutions, the more and better solutions will occur to you, the better you get at solving problems, the faster you'll be solving each subsequent problem. As you achieve this, you'll attract even bigger and more expensive problems to solve, and eventually, you can solve problems that will have significant financial consequences for you and others.