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Tips for pre exam preparation

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Post-COVID, a few of us missed our ’exam hour’ and a lot of us didn’t. However, as the world is seen to be resuming and recovering from the COVID-19 hit, the exams schedules are resuming too. Exam time brings in a whole lot of stress with it. Many of us are even unsure as to when is the right time to start revising.

If you start too early, there’s a fear of forgetting by the time the exams start and we all know what happens if revisions are started at the last moment. Studies show that the best way to deal with exams is to be regular and consistent with everything that is taught in class. Proper revision, however, should ideally begin two months before the exams. This duration also depends on the number of subjects you have and the degree of difficulty of your exams. 

Following are some points that would help you with the pre-examination preparation:

  1. Schedule and Prioritize

It is a fact that if you cover 30-40% of your syllabus, you’d easily be able to score 70-75% of marks. It all about that extra effort that you put in. Make a schedule based on your capacity and stick to it as much as possible. It is also important to prioritize the topics that are emphasized in class. Most of the lecturers, revise the important topics when exams get close. When you start revising, start with those topics for better results. 

  1. Make a separate doubt and mistakes notebook

When you are studying or revising, you should ensure that you put together all of your doubts or mistakes in a separate notebook. Get your doubts cleared on time. This should be the notebook you go through one day before your exams to ensure that you don’t repeat the same mistakes. 

  1. Solve past and practice question papers

It is important to have an idea of the kind of questions expected in the exams. For that purpose, ensure that you solve as many past question papers as possible. The right way to do it would be to start by solving the different sections of the paper in the approximate exam time frame. Slowly, you can start solving the whole paper at once. Make sure that you time yourself at all times for more accurate results. Practice papers should also be solved because that would give you an overview of the variety of questions that can come. Analyze all of it so that you know exactly what to expect.

  1. Know your productive hours

Humans are usually considered to be their most productive selves in the mornings. This however varies from person to person. Recognize your productive hours and try covering the most important topics in that duration. Another strategy is to complete the theory in your productive hours so that numerical or other engaging questions are done later when you get sleepy.

  1. Usage of diagrams

Charts and diagrams ensure that you get an overview of the whole chapter at just one glance and hence, it’s the best tool for revision purposes. You should have flowcharts for all of the chapters and important topics. Save it for an hour before the exams when you need to look at everything from the syllabus. 

  1. Study groups for a broader perspective

Study groups play the role of a valuable learning tool. They ensure that all sorts of questions are sourced for practice purposes. In some questions, there are various ways to get to the same solution. All of this too can be discussed in study groups for a win-win situation.

  1. Take regular breaks

Breaks are an important part that must be included in your schedule. It is proven that when you relax for a bit, you get back even better. Do your research on effective time management methods like the Pomodoro Technique for the best results. This point implies that you should take some time off and practice a hobby or do something that you love. This distraction is required for better performance. 

  1. Explain it to others

One of the best ways to understand the topic you are studying is to verbally explain it to someone else after reading about it. If you can’t find anyone, explain it to yourself verbally. When you do this, you would realize that there are so many aspects of that topic you need to touch upon. If that doesn’t happen, it means that you’ve understood everything perfectly. 

  1. Write down the key takeaways

Either at the end of the day or after every one hour, you must write down your learnings. This is a way to encourage yourself to cover more topics in the same period. It also helps you measure your performance and growth.

  1. Separate book with important concepts and formulae

You can even write all the important concepts and formulae that you come across in a separate notebook. This can be your guide or go-to notebook. If you don’t want to do this in a notebook, you can do it on paper and stick them around in your room. This would ensure that you keep looking at all of these important concepts most of the time. 

  1. Keep your study space organized

You can only concentrate and focus properly when you are in an organized and comfortable environment. Find a spot where there’s good lighting, fresh air, and silence. While some may prefer sitting on a chair and reading at the table, while others may prefer to lie down or walk holding the book while studying. So, figure out the best method and space that suits best and organize accordingly.

  1. Maintain a healthy diet and a good sleeping routine

When you sleep, your mind and body rest completely to regain energy and strength by completing the daily metabolism cycle. A good sleep of 8 hours is recommended by health experts. Some people may prefer studying late at night, some may prefer early in the morning, so check which time of the day suits best, schedule, and maintain a proper sleep routine. What you eat also matters. Ensure that you consume a protein-rich diet and don’t forget to constantly hydrate yourself.

These were a few tried and tested tips that can help you crack your ore exam prep with a bang! We hope you find it useful. All the best!