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Hindu Adoption And Maintenance Act, 1956

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In the diverse and culturally rich landscape of India, adoption holds a special significance, deeply rooted in traditions, customs, and religious beliefs. Among the various legal provisions that govern adoption in India, the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 ("Act") plays a vital role in regulating and facilitating the adoption process within the Hindu community. The Act enacted in 1956, is a significant legislative framework that recognizes and regulates the adoption of children by Hindu families. It aims to ensure the welfare and protection of the child while respecting the cultural and religious practices of the Hindu community. 

The Act provides a structured legal framework, empowering prospective adoptive parents and ensuring that the welfare and best interests of the child remain paramount throughout the adoption journey.


The Act applies to individuals who are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, or Sikhs by religion, including various sects and followers of specific organizations. It also extends to individuals who are not Muslims, Christians, Parsis, or Jews, unless it can be proven that they would not have been governed by Hindu law or customs. The Act further clarifies that children with Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, or Sikh parents, or those brought up in the respective religious communities, are considered Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, or Sikhs. Additionally, the Act includes those who have been abandoned by their parents and raised in these religions, as well as individuals who convert or reconvert to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, or Sikhism. Certain exceptions are outlined, such as the exclusion of Scheduled Tribe members unless specified by the Central Government, and the exemption of Renoncants in the Union Territory of Pondicherry. The term "Hindu" within the Act encompasses individuals to whom the Act applies based on the provisions mentioned.

Requirements for a valid adoption

Hindu Male  

Under the Act, a Hindu male has the capacity to adopt a child if he fulfills certain requirements. The capacity of a Hindu male to adopt is determined by the following conditions:

  1. Hindu Religion: The person adopting must be a Hindu by religion. 
  2. Sound Mind: The Hindu male must be of sound mind. This means that he should be mentally capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities associated with adoption.
  3. Age of Majority: The Hindu male must have attained the age of majority, which is 18 years as per the Indian Majority Act unless a custom or usage allows for a different age.
  4. Consent of Wife: If a Hindu male has a wife who is alive at the time of adoption, he must obtain her consent, unless she falls under certain exceptions. The consent of the wife is required, unless:

a.      The wife has completely and finally renounced the world,

b.      The wife has ceased to be a Hindu or

c.      The wife has been declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind.

Explanation: If the person wishing to adopt has multiple wives at the time of adoption, the consent of all the wives is necessary, unless the consent of any one of them is unnecessary due to meeting the conditions specified in the provided explanation.

Hindu Female

According to the Act, a female Hindu has the capacity to take a son or daughter in adoption if she meets certain criteria. The conditions for a female Hindu to adopt are as follows:

  1. Sound Mind: The female Hindu must be of sound mind, indicating mental competence and the ability to understand the implications and responsibilities associated with adoption.
  2. Not a Minor: The female Hindu must have reached the age of majority, which is 18 years as per the Indian Majority Act. Minors are not legally permitted to take a child for adoption.
  3. Marital Status: If the female Hindu is married, she must fall under specific circumstances for adoption eligibility. These circumstances include:
  4. Marriage Dissolved: Her marriage has been legally dissolved through a divorce or any other valid means.

a.      Husband's Death: Her husband has passed away.

b.      Husband's Renunciation: Her husband has completely and finally renounced the world.

c.      Husband's Conversion: Her husband has ceased to be a Hindu by converting to another religion.

d.      Husband Declared of Unsound Mind: Her husband has been declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind.

By fulfilling these requirements, a female Hindu can legally take a son or daughter for adoption. These provisions ensure that the adoption process is valid and recognized by the law, protecting the rights of all parties involved.

Conditions for a person to be eligible for adoption

These are the following conditions:

  1. Hindu Status: The person to be adopted must be a Hindu. Additionally, persons who are Buddhists, Jains, or Sikhs by religion are also eligible for adoption under the Act.
  2. Not Previously Adopted: The person to be adopted must not have already been adopted by anyone else. This condition ensures that a person cannot be adopted more than once.
  3. Marital Status and Age: The following conditions relate to the marital status and age of the person to be adopted:

a.      Unmarried Status: Generally, the person to be adopted must not be married. However, there may be exceptions if there is a custom or usage applicable to the parties involved that permits the adoption of married individuals.

b.      Age Limit: The person who will be adopted must not be more than the age of fifteen years, unless there is a custom or usage applicable to the parties involved that permits the adoption of individuals who have surpassed the age of fifteen.

In addition to the above conditions, the Act specifies certain requirements for a valid adoption:

  1. No Conflicting Relationships: If the adoption is of a son, the adoptive father or mother must not have a Hindu son, son's son, or son's son's son (whether through biological or adopted relationships) living at the time of adoption. Similarly, if a daughter is adopted, the adoptive father or mother must not be parents of a Hindu daughter or son’s daughter (biologically or adopted) living at the time of adoption. 
  2. Age Difference: In cases where a male adopts a female, the adoptive father must have an age difference of at least twenty-one years from the person being adopted. Similarly, when a female adopts a male, the adoptive mother must be at least twenty-one years older than the person being adopted.
  3. Single Adoption: The same child cannot be adopted simultaneously by two or more individuals. This ensures that the child is not subject to conflicting claims of adoption.
  4. Actual Giving and Taking: For a valid adoption, the child to be adopted must be physically handed over and accepted by the parents or guardians to transfer the child from their original family or place of upbringing to the adopted family. The performance of the religious ritual known as data homam is not a mandatory requirement for the adoption to be considered valid.

Legal cases have highlighted the importance of complying with these conditions. Failure to meet the mandatory requirements, such as the age difference between the adoptive mother and adoptive son, or the actual giving and taking of the child, can render the adoption invalid.

Effects of Adoption

Adoption under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act carries various legal and social effects for all parties involved. 

  1. Parental Rights and Responsibilities: The adoptive parents gain legal rights and responsibilities over the adopted child. They are considered the child's lawful parents and have the authority to make decisions regarding the child's upbringing, education, healthcare, and overall welfare.
  2. Succession and Inheritance: The adopted child becomes entitled to the same rights of succession and inheritance as a biological child. They are treated as a member of the adoptive family for all legal purposes, including matters of property, assets, and inheritance.
  3. Severance of Legal Ties: The adoption severs the legal ties between the adopted child and their biological parents or guardian. The biological parents lose all legal rights and obligations towards the child, and the child also loses any rights of succession from the biological family.
  4. Change of Name and Identity: Upon adoption, the child may have their name changed to reflect their new family identity. This change in name serves to establish the child's new legal identity within the adoptive family.
  5. Social and Emotional Implications: Adoption can have significant emotional and social effects on the adopted child. They may experience a sense of belonging and stability within their new family. The adoptive parents need to provide a nurturing and supportive environment to help the child adjust to their new family and integrate into society.

It is important to note that the effects of adoption may vary based on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the adoption takes place.