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Misrepresentation In Contract Law

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A misrepresentation is a false statement of a material fact made by one party which influences the other party's action in responding to a contract. If the misrepresentation is discovered, then the contract can be considered null and void, and based on the circumstances, the adversely affected party can look for damages. In this kind of dispute with a contract, the maker of the misrepresentation becomes the defendant, and the injured party is the plaintiff.

Misrepresentation in contract law is significant in business transactions involving large transactions of high frequency. Misrepresentations of the value and risk that accompany an agreement can result in huge financial losses to business partners and individuals, even as it increases the risk of entering into collaborative business deals. Therefore, the essence of misrepresentation contract law is to ensure fairness and reduce the risk of entering agreements between individuals and businesses.

Definition Of Misrepresentation As Per Indian Contract Act, 1872

Misrepresentation is an important concept under Section 18 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872. It has an essential role in the contract law. Misrepresentation refers to a false statement that is issued by a party to the other to induce the latter to enter into a contract. The said misrepresentation time is before the consummation of a contract and can bring serious legal consequences when the other party enters into a contract on false pretences.

There are then two kinds of statements that can be made prior to the formation of a contract. The first is that statement that becomes part and parcel of the contract. It therefore follows that any misrepresentation could render the contract voidable at the option of the party misled. This ensures fairness and truth behind entering into a contract with a guarantee for both parties against deceit. If the misrepresented statement is the basis of the contract, there may be rescission or damages by way of redress.

A representation is a statement that does not become part of the contract. If such a representation, whether innocently or not, proves to be untrue, it may also give rise to legal consequences. A misrepresentation may take place when one party innocently deceives the other, which may even void the contract if, by reason of the misrepresentation, the other party entered into the contract. The repercussions of misrepresentation are mainly confined to remedies under the contract, which include either damages or revocation of the contract and are essentially a matter that falls under civil law.

Distinguishing misrepresentation from other pre-contractual statements, such as warranties or conditions, is also crucial. Misrepresentation typically relates to a statement of fact that is false and impacts the party's acceptance. Warranties or conditions relate to essential terms incorporated into the contract itself. Therefore, understanding the implications of misrepresentation relating to contract formation is highly critical. The utmost care taken should be the accuracy and truthfulness of statements in pre-contractual activity. Any misstatement or misleading information that might arise during this stage might lead to a contract being unenforceable, so exposing the parties to liabilities that were unintended by them.

However, these representations created before the formation of the contract fall into two separate categories of representation statements. This second category of a representation statement does not become a part of the contract but is only considered as a representation. Yet, it still goes on to influence the other party's decision-making process and can even form a part of the binding contract. Misrepresentation can also have legal implications, especially if the party that is misled sustains losses as a consequence of the falsehood. Legal practitioners must know the difference between these two statements so as to better advise and guard their clients' interests regarding contracts.

Breach Of Duty

In any case of negligence, once the duty of care is established, the next thing is to find out if there was a breach of such a duty. A breach occurs if a party fails to take reasonable precautionary measures so as to prevent likely harm, such as expounded in the case of Vaughn v. Menlove. If the acts of the defendant were below par compared to what was reasonably expected, then he could be liable. Defendants can argue that no breach occurred at all, rely on exclusion clauses, or claim that the contract itself is invalid. Alternatively, they can search to determine the cause of the breach and effect some changes to prevent it from facing further legal consequences.

Unwarranted Statements

A statement made without reasonable cause is an unwarranted statement. When a person states that he knows something is true without having a trustworthy source of information and really believes that it is true, the action constitutes misrepresentation. When something is unwarranted, it is not called for under the given conditions. For instance, debating the merits of someone's talent is one thing, but referring to them as stupid is unwarranted.

Inducement Of A mistake

Where the representation is, in fact, false and would, if it were true, have induced in a reasonable man a decision to enter into the contract, the induced party is discharged, and he can avoid the contract. Such a misrepresentation must also be one that is material enough to have affected the consideration process of the party so that they relied upon incorrect information. Thus, for example, if a buyer is misled into believing that a car is brand new when it really is used, the buyer may be able to rescind the contract.

The effects of inducement by mistake are substantive. The contract can be declared voidable at the will of the deceived party, who may either rescind or affirm the contract. Where they opt to rescind, it has to be done within a reasonable time, and the benefits received should be returned. Affirmation of the contract, however, puts them out of place to later claim that the contract is null on grounds of false representation. This provision protects parties against fraud and also provides fair dealing in contracts.

Landmark Cases

  1. Noorudeen and Ors. vs. Umairathu Beevi and Ors.

Here, it was considered a case of fraud and misrepresentation wherein the defendant had misled the plaintiff that it was a hypothecation deed and executed a sale deed relating to the property of the plaintiff. The plaintiff, being a blind man, was misrepresented by his son, who attempted to sell that property for lesser consideration, and the deed so executed was declared to be invalid and set aside. The court enumerated some of the prime factors that the finding of fraud supports. First, it pointed out that the plaintiff was a vulnerable person because of his visual impairments, which rendered him open to exploitation and manipulation. Further, it has been urged that the Court dwelt at great length on the fact that the defendant was the plaintiff's son and was, therefore, on a relationship of trust and confidence as parent and child, and so he had committed a breach of the said trust and confidence in deceiving his father.

The Court has protected the principles of equity and justice in keeping vulnerable persons away from unscrupulous acts of fraud and misrepresentation in the case now before it. Although it considered wide importance to property transactions in matters of transparency and informed consent, this was cautionary lest personal gains be made from the exploitation of vulnerable persons. Such a judgment helps remind all parties concerned with any property transaction to be truthful and just and to consider others' rights and interests.

  1. Shri Krishnan vs. the Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

In this case, the court found that no facts of suggestio falsi and suppressio veri had transpired. Suggestio falsi refers to the making of a false statement, while suppressio veri pertains to the act of suppressing or withholding material fact. According to the court, nothing in the record indicated anything to suggest that the statement that the institution made to obtain that money was false, nor did it conceal any material facts.

Hence, this case decision further points out that the role of due diligence is critical in fraud prevention. Individuals and organizations must be reasonably careful and cautious while relying on representations by others when the matters involved are financial transactions or legal agreements. Due diligence could guide potential victims of fraud from being misled into any situation that would bring about losses financially and/or legally.

  1. Avitel Post Studioz Limited and Ors. vs. HSBC PI Holdings (Mauritius) Limited and Ors.

In this case, the Court held fraud allegations affect the arbitrability of an agreement under two conditions. First, if fraud is so egregious that it vitiates the arbitration agreement itself, the subject matter becomes non-arbitrable. The second category occurs if allegations involve malafide or fraudulent conduct by the state or its agencies that raise broader questions of law that affect public law and thus cannot be appropriately pursued in arbitration. Then, in the absence of these conditions, the dispute remains arbitrable, and the arbitration process can proceed according to the contractual terms. In this sense, there is a difference between fraud involving public interest and purely private contractual disputes.

  1. Kedar Nath Motani & Ors. vs. Prahlad Rai & Ors.

Here, the plaintiff entered into a contract for land sale with the defendant based on certain representations made by him. Even when the sale was affected, the plaintiff found out that the representations made by the defendant were false. But the plaintiff, knowing it was false, continued to pay under the contract and, besides it, he went for more benefits from the defendant. The court came to the conclusion that the acts of the plaintiff were utterly inconsistent with its aims of rescinding the contract yet constituted an affirmation of the contract. In this regard, the court held that it would deny rescission and that the contract stood good.

This case serves the parties to enter into a contract that is vigilant and alert about the due diligence scrutiny process and has available redress at the right time against any misrepresentation that may emerge in the course of entering into the contract; it further underlines the requirement to behave consistently with the intention to rescind a contract so as to protect the right of rescission.

  1. Kishan Lal vs. Gajraj Singh & Others

In this case, the court was very elaborate in discussing the concept of warranted statements and the value of a trusted source of information. Under this principle, the court anchored its argument on the fact that for a statement to be considered warranted, the basis for the statement must be a trusted and reliable source of information. That principle carves out the importance of verification and confirmation in any claim before making conclusions.

Case observations by the court point toward the extreme importance that credibility and reliability play in the world of communication and decision-making. Some sources, be it news organizations, an academic institution, or government agencies, have built up a history of being accurate and trustworthy over time. Such statements based on information received from such sources will have much higher chances of being considered warranted and credible.


In conclusion, by the culmination of the said factors, we are aware that, to administrate a contract void or voidable that depends upon the situation of the case in question. If the contract is void, then it cannot be implemented by both parties at different ends, whereas if the contract is defined as voidable then although it is a proper contract it can be cancelled or annulled. Basically, whereas a void contract can't be performed, a voidable contract can depend on any of the parties after they've agreed to cancel it. In case of there being misrepresentation or a mistake the contract may be declared void, and therefore it may be abolished. If there has been duress or undue influence, then the contract may be rendered voidable and thereby capable of being cancelled.