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POA (Power Of Attorney) For Property

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An effective tool for transferring authority from one person - the grantor or principal to another - the agent or attorney, is a power of attorney.  It involves more than just managing finances and properties; it also entails making important choices when the principal can’t make decisions.  It's similar to having a trusted caretaker who can handle many important tasks when needed. Understanding a power of attorney for property is essential for anybody considering providing or receiving one, as it carries significant responsibilities and implications for both sides.

Purpose of Power of Attorney for Property

The major aim of a Power of Attorney is to enable the seamless and effective implementation of transactions, particularly in situations where the principal is incapable, unavailable, or needs expert assistance with property-related matters. This legal framework enables the principal to designate a trustworthy individual to act on their behalf, allowing for the timely and effective management of important decisions.

A Power of Attorney is a legal agreement that gives the principal certain rights over the designated agent. The principal, also called the Grantor or Executant, gives the agent, also called the Attorney-in-fact, Power of Attorney Holder, or just the Agent, the ability to act on their behalf within the parameters set forth in the document. Power of Attorney documents come in a variety of forms, each designed to meet certain requirements and situations.

People can customize the Power of Attorney to fit their own needs and tastes due to the minor variations between these designations. This action makes decision-making easier and provides a certain level of control and security over their assets and finances even under difficult circumstances.

Difference between The General Power of Attorney vs Special Power of Attorney




Scope of Authority 

A broad authority in GPA gives the agent a great deal of influence. The SPA grants limited or restricted permission for the performance of specific tasks or transactions.


GPA's main goal is to give a reliable third party the power to act on the principal's behalf in a variety of situations, including property, money, legal counsel, and decision-making. The SPA gives authorization for particular activities or transactions, such as real estate sales, rental agreements, or legal disputes.


The GPA permits the agent to act on behalf of the principal in a variety of situations and transactions and provides flexibility.

Since SPA grants power for certain tasks and transactions, it is less flexible.



Any power or authority granted under the GPA is still in effect unless the principal revokes it, terminates it, or the principal dies.  In SPA, the agent's duration authorization is either fixed or valid until the specified tasks/transactions are finished. 

Representation Authority

In general, GPA grants the agent more authority to act on behalf of the principal in contact with third parties, organizations, etc. But only for certain tasks, SPA gives the agent limited representation authority.
GPA must be completed in compliance with the paperwork requirements and legal formalities outlined in applicable legislation. These requirements include notarization and attestation. Similar to GPA, SPA requires certain legal requirements to guarantee the document's validity and enforce-ability.


By adhering to the necessary legal and compliance procedures, the principal may instantly revoke or terminate your GPA. After completing the designated responsibilities, the principal may rescind the authority given under SPA at any time.

Importance of POA in Property Transactions

A Power of Attorney is essential for buying or selling property in India for the following reasons:


POA allows the principal to assign the management of property transactions to a reliable representative. Therefore, the principal didn't need to be there in person at every step of the procedure.


A POA can expedite the property transaction process. It minimizes the time and effort necessary by the Principal to manage the transaction.

Risk management

A POA can ensure that the attorney-in-fact is properly authorized to operate and is accountable for their actions. It helps lower the risks associated with real estate transactions.


To guarantee the transaction's legal validity and enforceability, a POA must abide by all applicable laws governing property transactions in India.


A POA permits the Attorney-in-fact to carry on overseeing the transaction, providing property transactions with a safety net even in the case of the Principal's demise or incapacitation.

Types of Power of Attorney for Property 

There are various kinds of POAs available for properties. Here are some:

General POA 

Alternatively referred to as the traditional Power of Attorney, it is limited to a single time frame or objective. The grantor may designate the agent to handle business or personal decisions. This kind is sometimes referred to as a limited power of attorney because the extent of obligation is constrained.

Durable POA

This authority belongs to the agent for the grantor's lifetime, even in cases when the grantor is not competent to make decisions for themselves. This POA is enforceable until the grantor's death or its revocation.

Springing POA

It does not take effect right away. It is valid for any specific circumstance, date, or event that is approaching or might occur in the future if the grantor becomes ineffective.

Limited POA

Under the conditions of this Power of Attorney, the agent acts on behalf of the principal for a defined period.

Medical POA

It has elements that are both durable and springing. When making decisions about healthcare or medicine, it becomes useful. If the grantor is fully cognizant and in good physical and mental health, it does not take effect.

What Can a Power of Attorney for Property Do?

The extent of the power grantors grant an attorney determines what kinds of activities they can accomplish. The grantor may designate a general Power of Attorney for Property to handle all of their financial and real estate matters. Alternatively, the grantor may designate a more limited Power of Attorney for Property, enabling the attorney to manage just a portion of their matters. Grantors may choose to restrict the use of the Power of Attorney to only one real estate transaction during their international travels.

Grantors must specify precisely what actions and times they will let their attorneys do. If they become older and are unable to handle specific tasks, for instance, people frequently want to draft a Power of Attorney. Grantors must expressly specify whether they want your Power of Attorney to become effective immediately, at a later date, or in response to a certain event.

How to Make Power of Attorney for Property 

The process of creating this document was methodical and planned to guarantee its efficacy, legality, and clarity.


Step 1: Select the Agent and Determine the Purpose

Carefully consider the goal and parameters of this, as well as the precise authority that will be granted to the agent. These authorities cover sales, leasing, property management, real estate transactions, and other property-related operations. The next step is to make the vital choice of the agent or attorney-in-fact. This decision should be based on the agent's reliability, trustworthiness, and capacity to carry out the assigned duties successfully.


Step 2: Composing the Power of Attorney Agreement 

Usually, this paper is divided into multiple important sections. The grantor and the agent are identified in the introduction, which gives context, and the background section could include an explanation of the document's creation process. The specific acts that the Agent is permitted to perform on behalf of the grantor are outlined in the "powers & responsibilities" section, which also clearly defines the extent of that authority. The items included are the terms under which the document may be terminated as well as the length of time it is valid.


Step 3: Examine and Edit the Draft

By this step, the grantor's objective is reflected in the language, which is guaranteed to be plain and unambiguous. It is the time to resolve any questions or discrepancies to prevent problems later.


Step 4: Notarization, Signature, and Execution

Once the material has been finalized, the grantor and the agent must sign the document. If required by local legislation, it occurs in front of witnesses. These signatures may require notarization by a "notary public," depending on the jurisdiction to guarantee their validity.

Criteria for Choosing an Individual for POA

To grant a Property Power of Attorney, an individual needs to:

  • Be at least 18 years old,
  • mentally competent,
  • Cognizant of the property they possess and its overall value,
  • Comprehend the meaning of appointing counsel,
  • Be aware of the authority they are granting their counsel, and
  • Be cognizant of the risk that the counsel may abuse the power they are granting them.

Validity of Power of Attorney for Property

The Power of Attorney remains enforceable until the grantors pass away if they make no restrictions on its use. Continuing Power of Attorney for Property is a term that grantors may frequently encounter. Accordingly, even if grantors lose their mental capacity, the Power of Attorney remains operative. If that grantor becomes mentally incompetent, they should consult a lawyer to see if their old Power of Attorney will still be enforceable.

Revocation of POA

Revocation or cancellation of the general or specialized POA is possible under a number of conditions. However, the laws in India regarding contracts and POAs contain no instructions on how to terminate POAs. Consequently, the circumstances under which the POA may be revoked or withdrawn have been established by the courts. It is possible to revoke the POA in the following ways:

Through the Principal's Acts

The principal has numerous options for rescinding and terminating the principal-agent arrangement. If any of the following applies, the principal may withdraw the POA:

  • By formally rescinding authority of his or her own free will. 
  • When the POA's objective has been fulfilled.
  • If the representative becomes mentally incapacitated or insolvent.

Contractual Breach

When an agent exhibits severe mismanagement, violates the terms of the contract, or acts outside of his or her authority, the principal may remove the agent's power of attorney. Even an irreversible POA may be withdrawn in certain circumstances by sending out a revocation letter. The principal may also seek to revoke such an irrevocable POA by going before a court with the proper jurisdiction if necessary.

The procedure to withdraw or terminate a POA is as follows:

  • To revoke the Power of Attorney, the principal must draft a deed or notice. The deed needs to specify the grounds for the POA revocation when it goes into force, and what happens as a result of doing so.
  • To proceed with the revocation procedure, the agent must receive a proper notice of revocation or deed.
  • A local or national newspaper should publish the revocation deed or notice to notify those that the agent is dealing with on behalf of the principal about the revocation.
  • The POA cancelation deed must be registered by the same body that created the POA.
  • To notify the agent of this registration of revocation, a copy of the POA cancelation deed should be supplied.
  • To let the public know that the agent's authority has been withdrawn, a printed copy of the POA's registered cancelation deed should be published.
  • Copies of the POA cancelation deed may also be given to anyone the agent has dealt with on behalf of the Principal. It can terminate any commercial relations or exchanges with the agent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a power of attorney for property?

You must require a power of attorney (POA) if you are unable to buy or sell property on your behalf for whatever reason.

What is the cost of a power of attorney for property?

Depending on the area and particular needs, the price of a power of attorney for property formalities may change. In general, the price could include notary fees, administrative fees, and any other associated costs. To obtain a precise estimate for your particular circumstances, it is advisable to speak with a local government office or legal expert.

Can I appoint multiple Power of Attorney?

Yes, you have the option to choose more than one lawyer and to determine whether those attorneys must act in collaboration or separately when making a decision.

Is power of attorney valid after death?

No, the POA is no longer valid after the grantor's demise.

Can a power of attorney holder sell property to themselves?

The holder may sell the property to himself if the POA permits it, but a registered sale document and the required procedures for a presale must be followed