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Section 8: Company Annual Compliance

In the realm of corporate entities, Section 8 companies hold a unique position. Also referred to as not-for-profit companies, they are formed with the primary objective of promoting charitable activities, social welfare, and the advancement of education, science, art, and other philanthropic endeavors. Unlike regular companies, section 8 companies do not operate with the motive of making profits for their shareholders. Instead, they focus on contributing to the betterment of society by channeling their resources toward meaningful causes. 

The establishment and functioning of Section 8 companies in India are governed by the Companies Act, of 2013. This legislation outlines the legal framework that these companies must adhere to, including various compliances to ensure transparency, accountability, and the fulfillment of their noble objectives. By following these compliances diligently, section 8 companies can maintain their legal and operational status, thereby continuing their mission of serving the community. 

Annual Compliances for Section 8 Company 

Below are the key annual compliances that these organizations must fulfill: 

Appointment and Rotation of Directors: 

One of the fundamental requirements for Section 8 companies is the appointment and rotation of directors. The Companies Act mandates that Section 8 companies have a minimum of two directors on their board. These directors should possess the necessary qualifications, expertise, and commitment to effectively contribute to the company's mission. Additionally, the Act emphasizes the importance of regular rotation of directors to promote diversity, prevent the concentration of power, and bring in fresh perspectives. 

Annual General Meeting (AGM): 

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a crucial event for Section 8 companies, providing an opportunity for members and stakeholders to come together and discuss important matters. According to the Companies Act, section 8 companies must conduct an AGM within six months from the end of each financial year. During the AGM, the company's financial statements, auditor's reports, and other relevant documents are presented, discussed, and adopted. Timely and properly conducted AGMs ensure compliance with legal obligations, promote transparency, and facilitate effective decision-making. 

Financial Statements and Audit: 

Section 8 companies are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records and prepare financial statements in compliance with the applicable accounting standards. The financial statements, including the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, and notes to accounts, must provide a true and fair view of the company's financial position. Section 8 companies must engage a qualified auditor to conduct an independent audit and provide an opinion on the financial statements. The audited financial statements help stakeholders assess the company's financial health and ensure compliance with statutory requirements. 

Compliance with Income Tax Regulations: 

While Section 8 companies enjoy certain tax exemptions, they are still required to comply with income tax regulations. These organizations must obtain and maintain their tax-exempt status by applying with the Income Tax Department. Additionally, section 8 companies must file annual income tax returns within the specified timelines. Complying with income tax regulations is essential to retain the tax benefits associated with their charitable status. It also ensures proper utilization of funds and reinforces transparency in financial operations. 

Compliance with Goods and Services Tax (GST): 

If a Section 8 company engages in taxable activities, it is liable to comply with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations. GST is a comprehensive indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services in India. Section 8 companies must register for GST if their annual turnover exceeds the threshold limit prescribed by the GST law. They are also required to file regular GST returns and adhere to GST compliance guidelines. Compliance with GST regulations ensures that Section 8 companies meet their tax obligations and avoid penalties or legal complications. 

Appointment of an Auditor: 

As per Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, it is mandatory for all companies, including Section 8 companies, to appoint an auditor. The auditor is responsible for auditing the company's financial statements and annual returns to provide an independent opinion on their accuracy and compliance with accounting standards. The statutory auditor is appointed for five years, subject to ratification by the members of the company at each Annual General Meeting. 

Maintenance of Statutory Registers: 

Section 8 companies are required to maintain various statutory registers as prescribed by the Companies Act, 2013. These registers serve as crucial records of the company's activities and ensure transparency and compliance with legal provisions.  

The statutory registers include: 

a) Register of Members: This register contains details of the company's members, including their names, addresses, shareholding, and any transfers of shares. 

b) Register of Loans Obtained: This register records details of any loans obtained by the company, including the names of the lenders, amounts borrowed, terms of repayment, and related information. 

c) Register of Charges Created: Section 8 companies must maintain a register of charges created on the company's assets, such as mortgages, debentures, or other forms of secured loans. This register captures relevant details of the charges, their dates, the assets charged, and other particulars. 

d) Register of Directors: This register contains information about the company's directors, including their names, addresses, dates of appointment, and other relevant details. 

Non-compliance Penalties for Section 8 Companies

Ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework is of utmost importance for Section 8 companies. Failure to fulfill the annual compliances and meet the prescribed deadlines can lead to penalties and legal consequences.  

  1. Section 8 companies must adhere to specific timelines for filing various documents and forms with the RoC. Failure to file the annual return, financial statements, or other required documents within the stipulated timeframe can result in late filing penalties. These penalties can vary depending on the duration of the delay and may accumulate over time. However, the penalty will not be less than Rs. 10 lakhs and can be extended to Rs. 1 crore. 
  1. Section 8 companies enjoy certain exemptions and benefits under the Companies Act and other relevant laws. Non-compliance with the prescribed compliances can lead to the loss of these exemptions and benefits. For example, failure to comply with income tax regulations or GST requirements may result in the company losing its tax-exempt status or facing penalties under the respective tax laws. 
  1. Persistent and significant non-compliance by Section 8 companies may result in legal proceedings. The regulatory authorities, such as the Registrar of Companies or the Income Tax Department, can initiate legal action against the company, its directors, or officers. The directors and officers of the section 8 company who fail to comply with their obligations may face both imprisonment and monetary fines, with the maximum penalty being up to Rs. 25 lakhs. 
  1. In extreme cases of non-compliance and failure to rectify the deficiencies within the prescribed timelines, the RoC may initiate the process of striking off the Section 8 company from the register. This can result in the dissolution of the company and the cessation of its legal existence.  


In conclusion, adhering to annual compliance requirements is essential for the smooth functioning and continued legal standing of Section 8 companies. These organizations, dedicated to social welfare, must fulfill their obligations under the Companies Act, of 2013, to ensure transparency, accountability, and adherence to legal provisions. The annual compliances for section 8 companies encompass various crucial aspects, including the appointment and rotation of directors, conducting the Annual General Meeting (AGM), preparing audited financial statements, complying with income tax and Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations, maintaining statutory registers, filing annual returns, and more. Each of these compliances contributes to the overall governance, transparency, and regulatory compliance of Section 8 companies. Non-compliance with these obligations can result in penalties, fines, loss of exemptions, legal proceedings, and even the striking off of the company. It is therefore imperative for Section 8 companies to prioritize these compliances, maintain accurate records, meet filing deadlines, and seek professional guidance when needed.