Patent Registration

File for Patent Registration online and protect your Inventions for 20 years

Fastest patent filing in India within 7 days

Accurate and Fast Filing by Registered Patent Agents, 100% Safe Process.

Register Now

Right plan for Patent Filing

Rest Easy with Our IP Experts—Your Patent Filing Made Simple!


₹399 + Govt. Fee


Kickstart Your Innovation Protection—Perfect for Your First Consultation!

What you'll get

Assured callback from our Patent agent in the next 2 hours

Consultation call with a registered patent agent for 30 mins

Guidance on patentability / novelty /innovative nature of the patent/process/dispute

Get 5% discount when filing for a patent application.


₹24999 + Govt. Fee


Perfect for Complete Specification Patent Filing

What you'll get

Consultation call with a registered patent agent for 30 mins

Drafting and filing of Complete Specification Patent between 12-14 days

Unlimited consultation calls with a patent agent on how to apply the patent

10% discount on subsequent stages (early publication, examination request & response etc…) of the patent if paid for the Patent Registration service


₹28999 + Govt. Fee


Accelerate Your Patent with Our Premium Complete Specification Filing!

What you'll get

Unlimited consultation calls with a patent agent on how to apply the patent

10% discount on subsequent stages (early publication, examination request & response etc…) of the patent if paid for the Patent Registration service

Dedicated IP lawyer to guide you throughout the process

Drafting and filing of Complete Specification Patent between 5-7 days

Accelerated publication and Request for early examination


₹399 + Govt. Fee


Kickstart Your Innovation Protection—Perfect for Your First Consultation!

What you'll get

Assured callback from our Patent agent in the next 2 hours

Consultation call with a registered patent agent for 30 mins

Guidance on patentability / novelty /innovative nature of the patent/process/dispute

Get 5% discount when filing for a patent application.


₹24999 + Govt. Fee


Perfect for Complete Specification Patent Filing

What you'll get

Consultation call with a registered patent agent for 30 mins

Drafting and filing of Complete Specification Patent between 12-14 days

Unlimited consultation calls with a patent agent on how to apply the patent

10% discount on subsequent stages (early publication, examination request & response etc…) of the patent if paid for the Patent Registration service


₹28999 + Govt. Fee


Accelerate Your Patent with Our Premium Complete Specification Filing!

What you'll get

Unlimited consultation calls with a patent agent on how to apply the patent

10% discount on subsequent stages (early publication, examination request & response etc…) of the patent if paid for the Patent Registration service

Dedicated IP lawyer to guide you throughout the process

Drafting and filing of Complete Specification Patent between 5-7 days

Accelerated publication and Request for early examination

Why do you need Patent Registration?

Protect Your Innovations and Boost Your Business—Let Us Handle Your Patent Registration with Expertise and Care.

Exclusive Rights

Patent registration grants you the exclusive right to use, manufacture, sell, and license your invention. This prevents others from using or commercializing your invention without your permission, giving you a competitive advantage in the market.

Legal Protection

A registered patent provides strong legal protection against infringement. You can take legal action against anyone who uses your patented invention without authorization, ensuring your intellectual property is safeguarded.

Monetization Opportunities

With a patent, you can generate revenue through licensing agreements, where others pay for the rights to use your invention. You can also sell your patent, creating a potential income stream.

Enhanced Business Credibility

Owning a patent can enhance your company’s reputation as an innovator, making it more attractive to investors, partners, and customers. This credibility can also lead to increased market share and business opportunities.

Encourages Further Innovation

Patent protection encourages investment in research and development. Knowing that your invention is protected, you can confidently invest time and resources into further innovations and improvements.

Market Monopoly

A patent gives you the right to prevent others from entering the market with similar products, allowing you to establish and maintain a monopoly over your invention for the duration of the patent.

Increased Valuation

A patented invention can significantly increase the value of your company, particularly if it becomes a critical asset. This can be beneficial if you are seeking funding or planning to sell your business.

Access to Global Markets

By obtaining a patent in India, you can use it as a basis to apply for patents in other countries, allowing you to protect your invention in international markets and expand your business globally.

Tax Benefits

In India, certain tax benefits are available for income generated from patents. For example, under the Patent Box regime, income from patents developed and registered in India is taxed at a lower rate, incentivizing innovation.

Encourages Partnerships and Collaborations

A patent can make your business more attractive to potential partners, as it represents a secure and valuable intellectual property asset. This can lead to strategic partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures.

Our clients knows the value we provide

We take great pride in the satisfaction of our clients, as evidenced by their glowing feedback about our exceptional service.

Mithila Mhaske


The lawyer referred to me by Rest The Case gave me good advice. I will definitely recommend Rest The Case if you are looking for a lawyer

Madhura DasGupta Founder & CEO Aspire For Her


Rest The Case has been a blessing for several of our members of the #NotAlone community Navigating through the legal issues after the tragic demise of their spouses or breadwinners would have been a daunting task if not for their referral of locally based lawyers to guide and advise them

Mohit Khetrapal


I had already approached Rest The Case for my legal issue and I really liked their service, so I recommended them to my colleague who was looking for a lawyer.

Rajesh Gupta


Rest The Case provided excellent legal assistance when I needed help with a property dispute. The lawyer they connected me with was knowledgeable and proactive, ensuring a favorable outcome for me. I highly endorse Rest The Case for anyone seeking reliable legal services.

Neha Sharma


As a first-time entrepreneur, I was overwhelmed by the legalities involved in starting my business. Rest The Case came to my rescue by matching me with a lawyer who specialized in business law. Their expertise and guidance were invaluable in navigating the complex legal landscape. I'm grateful to Rest The Case for their exceptional service.

Amit Patel


Dealing with a custody battle for my child was emotionally draining, but Rest The Case made the legal process much easier to bear. They connected me with a compassionate and skilled family lawyer who fought tirelessly for my rights as a parent. Thanks to Rest The Case, I now have custody of my child and can look forward to a brighter future.

FAQs on Patent Registration in India

Have more question? Look at our FAQ section

What is a patent?

A patent is an exclusive legal right granted to an inventor for a new invention, allowing them to make, use, sell, and license the invention for a specific period, typically 20 years from the filing date.

What is the validity period of a patent in India?

A patent is valid for 20 years from the date of filing, provided that the renewal fees are paid annually. If the fees are not paid, the patent will lapse.

Can I file a patent for an idea?

No, patents are granted for inventions, not mere ideas. The invention must be clearly described in the patent application, with details on how it works and how it can be made or used.

Can software be patented in India?

Software per se is not patentable in India. However, if the software has a technical application or is integrated with hardware, it may be patentable.

What happens if someone infringes on my patent?

If someone uses your patented invention without permission, you can file a lawsuit for patent infringement, seeking remedies such as an injunction to stop the infringement and damages for losses.

What is the difference between a patent and a trademark?

A patent protects new inventions, while a trademark protects brand names, logos, and symbols used to distinguish goods or services. Patents are about technological innovations, while trademarks are about brand identity.

Is it mandatory to request an examination for a patent application?

Yes, a request for examination must be filed within 48 months of the application filing date. If no request is made, the application will be deemed to be withdrawn.